This is the final edition of IN HARMONY
The National Council have been progressively introducing a range of new communication tools to keep members informed, educated and entertained. As this has developed, the more traditional style of newsletter such as IN HARMONY has become less relevant and effective in this communication process.
The Council have now decided to discontinue the bimonthly publication of the IN HARMONY Newsletter in its current form. This is the final edition. (although it was never circulated).
Signing off after six years and thirty seven editions of this Newsletter.
Thanks for all your contributions over the years.
Dick Bushell - Editor (ex)
BHA Live with the National Council

Updates included
- Progress with the current BHA membership consultative program
- The current BHA position relatiing to singing and the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Collaboration discussions with the Australian Sweet Adelines Organisation
- BHA Harmony Academy branding
- Ongoing Friday night BHA Webinars
- A special deal for BHA members to participate in the BHS Harmony University in Nashville
- The not to be missed Showcase of International Champions
- BHA Quartet eChallenge (Full details soon to be released of this upcoming BHA quartet competition open to all quartets via video entry only)
- New mechandise section on the BHA website
- BHA National Pub Chorus program in November (in conjunction with Movember) Full details to be released shortly.
Barbershoppers on the Airwaves
Several of our BHA members have hobbies using their voices in areas other than singing.
Roger Archman from the Melbournaires chorus, for instance, presents a radio show on the 1st Monday of each month on eastern FM 98.1 in Melbourne. Normally at 1.10 pm after the news. The show has been on air for about 15 years and has listeners in Melbourne as well as overseas listeners who also tune in. Eastern FM streams the program so you can listen on your computer at
Another radio "Disc Jockey" from our ranks is Jack Bylsma from Hills Harmony Chorus in Sydney.
Jack broadcasts from the Sydney based community radio station Alive 90.5 FM. Jack is on every Monday from 9am 'til noon and also does weekly "Tribute" Specials from Midnight to dawn on Saturdays.
Jack can also be tuned in via streaming at
The Blenders

Rehearsals for the Blenders has taken a new direction with the use of ZOOM for rehearsals. It is a new experience for us and not without initial challenges. A lot of new comments can now be heard from the virtual risers instead of the usual comments’ for example:
‘Can you see me – we can only see the top of your head!’
‘Why can’t I hear you’
‘Move your camera so we can see you’
‘How do I get this to work’?
‘Do I mute myself or will you do it?’
‘You’re in the dark’
Use the chat button - where is it? etc. etc.
ZOOM is a new experience for us, and I’m sure many of you who may be using ZOOM will be experiencing the same. ZOOM is also good for maintaining contact and interacting with your mates which is very important in these days of social isolation.
We have had to cancel Voices in Paradise for this year which was disappointing but understandable.
There’s not much else to report from The Blenders. Stay safe and well everyone.
Ian Mackey
Festival Statemen
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How the world has changed since the last In Harmony Newsletter. Just a quick note from the Festival Statesmen.
Unfortunately, due to current events, we are no longer heading to International in Los Angeles in June 2020 to compete in the Barbershop Harmony Society Chorus Competition. We would just like to take this opportunity to thank the entire Barbershop Community for your support and care in our preparation for what was to be our first international tour.
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On a positive note though, we would like to let you know that we have been offered a spot to compete at International Competition in Cleveland for 2021. We hope to make our dream of representing Australia in an international competition a reality!
We are using this time to take a break from activities but plans are already in motion for a big year once things settle down.
We hope you are all staying safe and healthy.
Anthony Little
President Festival Statesmen
Sydney Harmony
This has been a testing time for all of us and we know that our fellow barbershoppers across the country and around the world are all dealing with the same problems and hardships. No challenge has been tougher for any of us as ensemble singers than trying to exist as a chorus or quartet at a time when we are unable to meet up in person and sing together in the same room. We know it is the only way for us to stay safe but inside it is slowly wilting our musical souls, going against everything we have known and loved about being harmony singers.
Our chorus made the decision to suspend regular rehearsals after our last Monday together on the 9th March. We had the following week off while we made plans on how we were to go forward in this new era. Our fearless MD Vicki Dwyer, with full support from our Excom and Music Team, resolved to run Virtual Rehearsals in the interim period.
For week one of our Virtual Rehearsals we used Facebook Live and streamed the video direct to our private chorus Facebook group, The Tag Room. It was a pretty good experience for us – Vicki instructed us with the help of some recent chorus recordings that she played as well as her singing and playing piano. We could listen and sing along at home, but we were only able to communicate with each other by typing comments in the chat field.
From week two we have been using the Zoom video conferencing program. This gives us face-to-face contact and the chance to communicate directly with audio as well. So far we have held three Zoom rehearsals. Each week we’re getting better at utilising the technology and getting more adventurous in pushing the boundaries of the platform. In a typical Virtual Rehearsal our MD presents vocalese exercises in warm-up time, goes into detail analysing new and old repertoire and runs reps of our songs using teach tracks and recent chorus recordings as “backing tracks” for us to sing along with at home.
Our Assistant MD Gareth Hearne presents a music theory lesson - sharing his screen and using Powerpoint and PDFs to illustrate his class - while other members of the team assist by giving physical warm-ups and playing video and audio recordings to embellish the rehearsal. We even get to learn a Tag each week! Next rehearsal we will be having Sectionals, using Zoom’s “breakout room” function. And we always take the opportunity to have some fun with the process by singing all together “unmuted” at least once each week – with hilarious results!
Most importantly, at the start and end of each rehearsal we get to hear from each other how we all are doing, what’s happening in our lives with our families and loved ones and who we need to send out hopeful thoughts to. Sydney Harmony has always had a tradition of singing “The Irish Blessing” at the end of each rehearsal and now, more than ever, this tradition has become an essential bond for us in these strange and troubling times.
Sure, rehearsing over the internet is not the same… but it is keeping us together.
Stay safe everyone.
Tony Sykes
Sydney Harmony VP Music
Welcome to our newest members
John | Daly | Gold Coast Barbershop Harmony Club Inc |
Ben | McInnes | Gold Coast Barbershop Harmony Club Inc |
Alex | McKenna | Gold Coast Barbershop Harmony Club Inc |
Ian | Peak | Gold Coast Barbershop Harmony Club Inc |
Dan | Roberts | Gold Coast Barbershop Harmony Club Inc |
Ian | Scott | Gold Coast Barbershop Harmony Club Inc |
Pat | Curbishley | Southside Harmony Men Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Vickey | Annakis | The Melbournaires Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Sandy | Beath | The Melbournaires Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Lynette | Beech | The Melbournaires Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Yvonne | Bourke | The Melbournaires Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Alison | Brown | The Melbournaires Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Dinesh | Chelvathurai | The Melbournaires Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Susie | Conway | The Melbournaires Barbershop Chorus Inc |
DC | Da Costa | The Melbournaires Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Claire | Dickinson | The Melbournaires Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Deb | Elea | The Melbournaires Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Kerry | Haddow | The Melbournaires Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Sarah | Hanna | The Melbournaires Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Sharon | Howell | The Melbournaires Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Tracey | Jacob | The Melbournaires Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Joyce | Liang-Ridley | The Melbournaires Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Margaret | Millerd | The Melbournaires Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Debbie | Neilsen | The Melbournaires Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Sue | Owen | The Melbournaires Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Chris | Rams | The Melbournaires Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Jennyne | Stafford | The Melbournaires Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Dale | Steel | The Melbournaires Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Margot | Thorne | The Melbournaires Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Traci | Voss | The Melbournaires Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Marion | Webb | The Melbournaires Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Merrie | Wong | The Melbournaires Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Cameron | Walls | Club at Large |
James | Strachan | Club at Large |
Jeremy | Kerr | Club at Large |
Raymond | Mansueto | South Central Harmony Inc. |
Job | Samuel | South Central Harmony Inc. |
Steven | Vaccarella | Sydney Harmony Inc. |
Molly | Beaney | The Baden Street Singers Inc |
Tim | Chang | The Baden Street Singers Inc |
Roshni | Kaila | The Baden Street Singers Inc |
Robyn | Molsher | Adelaide Allsorts Harmony Inc. |
Ngaire | Naffine | Adelaide Allsorts Harmony Inc. |
Brendan | Conlon | Fleurieu Harmony Inc |
Sonja | Williams | The Melbournaires Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Natalya | Babushkina | The Melbournaires Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Robyn | Westwood | The Melbournaires Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Marty | Brouwer | Barbershop Harmony Club Of Canberra Inc |
Josh | Wrathall | Sydney Harmony Inc. |
Jeff | Stokes | Southlakes Harmony Chorus Inc |
Graham | Stevens | Hills Harmony Chorus Inc |
Grace | Lau | The Melbournaires Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Penny | Williams | The Melbournaires Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Annette | Monningh | The Melbournaires Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Richard | Bozza | High Altitude Harmony Inc. |
Stephen | Brand | Barbershop Harmony Club Of Canberra Inc |
Nick | Alexander | barbershop Harmony Club Of Canberra Inc |
Hello from Hills Harmony

Our MD Peter Donald has been very pro-active in setting up activities such as schedule of PVI's for members and a "Learn to Read Music" course for those of our members who are currently unable to read music.
We have all also learnt a new song over recent weeks which we have each individually recorded a video track of our part singing against the learning track. This has been a bit scary for most of us as hearing you own voice, recorded by itself, can be a bit of a wake-up call.
Peter is hoping to merge them all together into a single recorded track (Good luck with that Peter!!) It is still a bit of fun and, who knows, we might even get better at it as time goes on.
No one knows how long this is going to go on for and I for one am really missing the fun of harmonising with my mates each week.
Dick Bushell - Vice President, Events (A pretty easy job at the moment :0)
60th Wedding Anniversary
David and Margaret Brown celebrate 60 years of marriage
This year, on 21 May, Margaret & I will be celebrating our 60th wedding anniversary. We had planned a small luncheon, but our dearest friends, who live in the UK, could not come then, but advised that they could come out in early March. So we decided to have our celebration on 7th March. We were lucky - our party went ahead just before the virus situation became significant!
I write this to illustrate one of the tremendous benefits of BARBERSHOP.
after nearly 20 years with SOUNDWAVES chorus, in Gosford NSW, we moved to SE Queensland last year. A dear friend Ken Gardner - also of SOUNDWAVES - had moved up to the Dorigo area several years ago, and still gets to sing with SOUNDWAVES on occasions. Being the closest member of SOUNDWAVES to us, we asked Ken and Margaret to our celebration, both as old friends and for our old chorus association. We were delighted at their immediate 'yes, please'.
Now way back in 1989, after a year of introduction to barbershop - Harry Owen & I started the Canberra Chordsmen - I retired to Nelson Bay, NSW. NO BARBERSHOP within 200 Km! So I got some guys together, and that quickly boiled down to a quartet. We registered for the first 'in the flesh' AAMBS Convention in 1991 as 'Four Crying Out Loud', and we were still together when I had to depart due to another move in 2002. So for those 11 years, Neil, Don, Richard and I sang together and taught ourselves Barbershop. The friendship and enjoyment we experienced has wonderfully lasted, and Margaret and I were honoured and overjoyed when Neil, Don & Ella, Richard and Narelle came to our celebration. Of course we just HAD to sing a few songs, including one that turned out to be a sort of theme song for us - 'Little Gomez'. A great, entertaining song written and recorded by that great Australian singer/song writer Eric Bogal, whose publisher gave us the right to arrange and sing it.
Certainly not great Barbershop, but we owe five awards as 'The Most Entertaining Quartet' at the Eastern Region's annual weekend workshop to it. And here we are at our 60th anniversary celebration. Happy singing!
David Brown
Life Member 10
Fleurieu Harmony
What different times we are living in. We are so lucky that in this age of technology that we can communicate with family and friends in so many ways. In times gone by, a letter from overseas could take months and a phone call would cost a fortune. Fleurieu Harmony is keeping in touch using Zoom and are now having our normal meetings every Friday morning, but without our support ladies providing morning tea.
The photo shows our last singout, strangely enough, at Flinders Hospital entertaining around the wards and the cancer unit just before the Covid 19 virus hit and changed everything. It seems quite strange not to be doing singouts once or twice a month, having cancelled them for the foreseeable future.
We hope that all our barbershop friends and their families, both here and overseas, are safe from this horrible virus and look forward to better times ahead.
Stay safe.
Gordon Tomlinson - President
Sunshine Statesmen
AS with the rest of the country, we are all self isolating. Attached are a couple of videos showing self isolation, Sunshine Coast style. The first was produced by our member, Robert Schluter and the second was produced by myself.
Perhaps we could start a challenge for others to submit their versions of self isolation, Barbershop style?
On another note I have been pondering an idea for the last 12 months or so relative to the drought, the morale for small towns and men's mental health. I have mooted the idea among members of our chorus which was met with positivity but was difficult to implement due to the demands of competitions and events already in our calendar.
Now that the calendar is clear perhaps there is an opportunity?
What I propose could be an event worth striving toward.
My thought was to book say a week tour of country towns putting on lunch and evening concerts in RSL's or pubs in each country town. If we worked in with Rotary for billets for our members, and they do the promotion in their town (along with beyond blue, or local choirs, or any other organisation where there was a positive benefit.)
My thinking is that as a group we are needing something purposful to look forward to and work towards. Particularly now we are in isolation. If we planned for an event as soon as the restrictions are lifted we would be first cab off the rank into these communities which would be great for our community profile and perhaps a way of attracting members to each of the clubs. If we all were singing the same songs across the country in approximately the same week what a social impact that could be.
Members could learn songs and "qualify" them over zoom or submitted recordings. Then with say 2 weeks of rehearsals hit the road and present.
I am not sure if this idea would be of interest with other Choruses so I though I would float the idea hear and see if there was any interest.
Ross Fulloon
To everyone in Barbershop have a Great Easter, don’t eat too much, but drink heaps, and most importantly, as they used to say when I was a child, Wash your hands Jeffrey, with the solvol Jeffrey…. Some of you might remember the advert. Seeya
We won't deny the Diggers
We won’t deny The Diggers
© Howard Kennedy 12.04.2020
We won’t deny those Diggers who bravely marched to war.
We’ll stand out on our driveways as we’ve never done before!
We’ll all stand to attention and salute our country’s flag.
It may mask our way of life, but don’t let this bloody plague.
Stop us from respecting, all those who long have served.
They won’t get their Anzac Day, not in the way deserved!
But, we can still mark silence and read the age-old ode!
We can go out on our driveways, just not out on the road!
This year we’re not parading, no marching on the street,
But our Australian Spirit, just refuses to be beat!
We may not all have bugles, but we’ll hold our heads up high.
And remember all those diggers, from the years, that marched on by!
Driveways everywhere, will respect the ones who fought.
We have not forgotten. They’re always in our thoughts!
The ones who have fallen and the ones who have returned.
We’ll prosper from their selflessness, and that we all have learned!
So many deserve a medal, in the battle that we fight.
And if we stick apart, together, we will be alright!
So, come out on your driveways. Be out there at dawn!
Come in your pyjamas to stand out on your lawns
We’re all in this together, with those diggers by our side!
And when our hearts are in it, we’ll show some bloody pride!
And think about our Anzac Day we’ll march again next year!
But for now, stand in your driveway and give a grateful cheer!
Penrith Harmony in Virtual Mode
JITSI Meet – It’s the spark that has given us at Penrith Harmony new life in this strange world of COVID-19. Much like Zoom and Houseparty, it allows us to meet (virtually) every Monday at 7.30pm – and Oh what a joy to see those faces and share a yarn! Jokes sometimes at each other’s expense are shared and accepted in the spirit of true camaraderie. Experiences are shared; common themes being exercising, gardening, music, reading, spirituality, Netflix bingeing amongst others. If daylight saving had not ended, the next session would probably have included a Show and Tell to brag about the fruits of our labour! Surprisingly there is hardly any moderating required as we follow etiquette of not talking over each other, given the audio delay inherent in such applications.
We’ve been doing this for three weeks now and after some initial hesitation, at the last video call we had almost the same number of members we would normally have at rehearsal. Before the last session, our MD, Peter, uploaded the learning tracks and sheet music for Lullaby in Ragtime and Yesterday to the members page on our website and requested that we record ourselves (whilst listening to the training audio on headphone) and send him the recorded audio file. Peter will then put all our voices together on one track using Audacity.
It also gives Peter and his music team the opportunity to listen to individual voice recordings and provide valuable feedback. One of the best of us said he had to record himself four times before he dared send it and it was still ‘awful’. The learning of course is that we will practice at home incessantly before we send a recording that is our best.
As we go on, no doubt there will be more improvements and initiatives and we also look forward to learning from other groups.
Stay safe and well and Always Look on the Bright Side of Life.
Rod de Sylva
The Corona Virus Barbershop Blues
Copyright © - Andrew Wright – March 2020
- Singing with a chorus is a great joy as you know
But in times like this we have to take a break
Our Musical Director is in withdrawal now
And no one’s sure just how much he can take
- He’s asked us all to practise every song that’s on our list
And to work at home each day for just one hour
So, when we get together in the future, he will hear
The chorus sing both gently and with power
- If we don’t keep the standard up and do our best at home
There won’t be anyone who wants to hire us
So do your bit for all our sakes and keep the practice up
Until we overcome this awful via-rus...! ????
- Now, for your information here’s some trivia that’s true
But a useless fact no doubt you’re bound to think
For in the country of my birth – that’s England – you may know
Corona is a tasty, fizzy drink…!
- So, if you want a cola or perhaps a lemonade
Or a creaming soda’s one that really works
Then do not drink the foreign stuff as you might get the bug
Just stay at home and drink an ‘Ecks’ or ‘Kirks’
- Now, Corona is a drink in Oz as you would surely know
It’s an alcoholic beverage over here
So, I am drinking more than fifteen bottles every night
Since you cannot catch the virus from a beer…! ????
- But people seem to think this drink is going to harm their health
And the sales now have fallen through the roof
To save their reputation they have had to change the name
But maybe this is just some silly spoof…!
- Now here’s a thing which worries me that you might like to know
My local bottle-shop has no more beers…!
I said “Can’t people simply buy exactly what they need?”
He said “You’ve been panic-buying here for years…!” ????
- There’s been a run on many things in all the shops and stores
And several jokes are going ‘round the traps
So, on the lighter side of things I’ll tell you some of these
And bring a smile to your lips perhaps
- Now, we ran out of toilet paper several days ago
So, we’ve started using lettuce leaves instead
There is no doubt that harder days are bound to come our way
It’s just “the-tip-of-the-Iceberg” it’s been said
- If using lettuce doesn’t seem the smartest thing to do
‘Cos you really can’t afford the extra cost
You need a Rocket up the rear of that there is no doubt
As your Salad-Days are well and truly lost
(Thanks to Will Hessler & Richard Fisher for their contributions to these last two verses.)
- My hearing isn’t perfect so I sometimes miss the words
And I thought that all the crowds were ‘picnic-buying’
So, I went to the Deli with a pocket full of cash
And bought Scotch Eggs (500) – I’m not lying…!
- But I digress and maybe I am really boring you
So, perhaps we should discuss the Melbournaires
We love our genre very much – I hope you all agree
But it’s hard to practise from our comfy chairs
- So, Messrs. Hudnott, Fisher, Wright and Mr Dougall too
Decided they should practise songs on line
They tried a software package known as ZOOM to do the job
And we all agreed the video was fine
- The trouble started when we spoke as you will now hear told
When any person sang, the microphone…
…switched off the other voices who were trying to sing their part
And one found oneself was singing all alone…!
“The Zoomers Quartet”
- I’m sure we all sang perfectly with timing and in pitch
And if you could hear the sound it would be bliss
It’s such a shame the Tenor, Lead and Bass could not be heard
But the Baritone we really didn’t miss...!
- There must be other software that will do just what we need
And if you know one which works then tell the rest
‘Cos then the ‘Zoomers’ might get back together once again
And I’m sure we’ll leave you totally depressed…!
- Enough of this tomfoolery, we really must go on
As I’m sure this silliness is going to tire us
So, let me finish very soon and get back to the point
And address this awful “Covid-19’ via-rus…!
- Of course, it’s very serious and we haven’t seen the worst
But all I’m trying to do is raise some smiles
So, we must follow all the rules that PM ScoMo gives
Then we’re sure to overcome these awful trials
- Now, in conclusion let me say I miss you all already
And I hope that none us will come-a-cropper
So, Let’s Get Together Again quite soon & Keep the Whole World Singing
‘Cos it’s really great to be a Barbershopper…! ????
Novatones News
Who would have guessed, even a couple of months ago, at what an incredible situation we all would suddenly find ourselves in? The COVID 19 virus has dramatically made its presence known, all around the world and is affecting every facet of human life!
Only a month ago, Novatones committee and members were keen to embark on a new decade of Barbershop singing! This year promised to be a time of renewal, with an early plan to embark on a recruitment campaign. Last year we had to cancel some day-time gigs due to not being able to fill some parts in the chorus, particularly tenors. We also had a number of performances already lined up. It looked a very promising year of barbershop singing, with an exciting high point being the trip to New Zealand to take part in the 2020 Pan Pac Barbershop Convention, which has now been cancelled. All those aspirations have, at least in the short term, been curtailed due to the self-isolation restrictions caused by the COVID 19 Virus.
Due to available technology we have made the best of a bad situation. Our committee and the group as a whole have met several times on line, using the Zoom meeting app. After some teething problems and early lack of technical expertise we have now become used to those meetings. It’s great to be able to see everyone, to have a chat and find out what people are up to, but what we really want to is to sing together. We have tried videoing ourselves, each singing our part while listening to a tag through headphones, but time-delay and general timing issues proved to be too difficult to make one sound file of all the chorus singing.
Our next attempt is for our director, Peter Donald to send out an email to us of him directing in time to a sound file. Each member of the chorus will be able to hear the sound file and sing along to it, while watching Peter direct. Hopefully we will have better luck with timing issues in that approach! We’ll get there! Novatones are using Zoom meeting technology for other uses as well. Peter has started giving individual tuition (PVI’s) to members. This is proving very beneficial to those who have had this tuition and it is encouraging that more members are taking part. Peter also has started teaching an online ‘learn to read music’ course for those in the group without a music background.
What else are we doing whilst still in self-isolation? We are rehearsing at home, patiently waiting until we can all get back together. One of our theatrical members Mikey, suggested we go in a competition, where the idea is to set up a posing situation at home, where we try to simulate a famous art work! Of course Mikey had to start the ball rolling- This is his depiction of James McNeill Whistler’s 1837 painting: ‘Whistler’s Mother’. Great likeness Mikey- I think you have set the bar too high for us!
Mark Henley Bari / Novatones Reporter
High Altitude Harmony
Here at HAH headquarters we have been agonising over the decision that was made to close down rehearsals and performances by BHA but, we understand the reasoning.
A couple of our quartets have been meeting via the internet to keep in touch as much as anything and the full chorus has bitten the bullet and last Thursday evening HAH as an entity had its first “Virtual Rehearsal”.

Our Bass Section Leader, Dean has had contact with a couple of other choruses and joined in on their virtual rehearsals and provided all of us with a lot of sensible advice regarding how to work this 21st Century, gee whizzery.

To titillate your senses I have included a screenshot of the majority of the chorus enjoying the rehearsal, albeit some rather puzzled faces can be spotted.
Don’t forget we try to post interesting stuff on our web-site, for everyone’s entertainment and education. Check it out. And don’t forget to visit us on Facebook.
Paddy Boxall
Men in Harmony
For those who are interested, the photographs are here:
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Goooooood Morning BHA!!!
Richard and I recently met with Jen Howson in our virtual studio to discuss the fun and innovative ways she and Andrew are keeping the show on the road with Vocalescence. It's worth a listen as there is some serious gold!
If you and your chorus or quartet have some great ideas, get in touch with us as we'd love to chat and perhaps get you on the podcast!
Good Morning BHA is a podcast hosted by Richard Reeve and myself where we talk about any and all things "Barbershop" in Australia with healthy dollops of international things along the way.
You can find us on Facebook, Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud and Spotify
Ash Schofield
SydneySiders Express
“Struck up a conversation with a spider today. Seems nice. He's a web designer”
“ Not quite sure what to wear to the couch tonight"
“My Very Boring Abode” [ to the tune of ‘My Wild Irish Rose’]
“My very boring a abode, I thinking that I’m going to explode. No toilet paper anywhere, Have you some to spare because our vanity is bare. In our very boring abode.
In my very simple attire, I can show off my ample spare tyre, With increasing despair while lounging here an there, l’ve lost the remote. In my increasingly boring abode.
I don't want to make that most terrible mistake and step out from my very boring abode”
*All suggested improvements most welcome*
Well you’ve got a have a crack!
Hi fellow barbershoppers how are you all handling physical distancing, Ouch!, Just bumped my bruised elbow.
We started the year of well, having come back a week earlier to set us up for a reasonably full year with bookings made at several Retirement Villages, Nursing Homes and two planned Bunnings “Sausage Sizzles"
Our first event was early in February at the City of Ryde Council Library where we kicked off their series of monthly Morning Tea entertainment events. This is one of our community service activities, it was well attended, our numbers were good and we received quite a generous donation for our charity.
Mid February saw five members attend Harmony Collage, this had been very well organized and we all gained further insite into this art form we all love.
Our next event (early April) was to be something rather special. Having made arrangements through ‘Blaze Events' with the Ryde Eastwood Leagues Club we (SSEHC) had planned a combined concert with the ‘Sydney Welsh Choir.’ This was to be a Saturday night entertainment for club patrons and our guests. Each group presenting a segment of their work and then perform two songs together in each half of the show. One of these songs was to be Carly Simons “Let the River Run" in a choral arrangement by Craig Hella Johnson. This is a lively song, if you are not familiar with it you might like to check it out on YouTube.
Stay safe, were ‘Zooming'
Yours in harmony,
Lionel Eastwood
Events Coordinator
How we can help each other
From what I can see from Facebook etc, numerous choruses have been inovative and are using the full range of available technology to keep their members singing and engaged. If you are one of these choruses, would you be willing to help some of our less technically capable choruses to establish similar interaction with their members?
I have already seen this type of help extended through the Barbershop-Oz Facebook page where the highly tech-savy guys from Vox Canvas extended an invitation to a member from High Altitude Harmony to "sit in" on one of their virtual rehearsals.
This might be a way that the more technical capable choruses could help some of our less capable choruses in restoring some interaction and involvement. They could provide assistance in setting up the various forms of technology interaction and demonstrate how it can be effectively used.
If any chorus is willing to assist in this way or any chorus who would like to receive this type of assistance, they can reach out to me at or to their local Chairmen and we can match Clubs up. Hopefully this will provide a means to enable appropriate people to get in touch with each other.
Richard Wadick - VP Events
The Melbournaires
“What sad times we are in, and it looks like continuing well into the future. Like all social groups, our rehearsals have been suspended but still we keep in touch. Whilst recognizing the seriousness of the corona virus pandemic, and not wishing to add to anyone’s distress it has caused, there is a humerous side to it which we often need to lift ones spirits.
That said, I would like to inform you of the following:-
·All of our senior chorus members are staying at home and have wrapped themselves in cotton wool in order to apply SELF-INSULATION.
·The activities of our numerous quartets have been completely FOUR-STALLED.
·We only perform with each other over the telephone or web, thereby practicing SOCIAL DISTANT-SING.
·Our MD can no longer whinge about the Baritones, and he now CONDUCTS himself most harmoniously.
Let’s hope that all the choruses in Australia can get together again in the not too distant future.”
Terry Phillips
Fleurieu Harmony
Fleurieu started the new year with it’s first singout only the week after we returned from the break followed in February by two fundraisers at the local shops and market for Blaze Aid collecting $720.
Long time member Rod Whyte was awarded Life Membership by the Chorus for his dedicated efforts and services to the chorus, Rod joined the chorus 14 years ago and soon became a valuable member of the
Management Committee and was President for 4 years and has since rejoined the Committee, he is a glutten for punishment.
Sarah Bradley ,a non member, was awarded Honourary Membership of the Chorus for her coaching and generally giving valuable assistance over the past years.
With an old member, a Baritone, returning and recruiting another signed member, a Baritone, the Baritone section of Four is now looking very healthy, bringing a total of 21 singers, just need another Tenor or two.
We have a new Quartet in rehearsal called ’’The Pacemakers”, medical history unknown, they had a brief spot at the singout and were well received.
Wishing all Members and those at BHA a very Healthy and Harmonious new year.
Gordon Tomlinson
The Sunshine Statesmen
We are well into the New Year with a number of sing outs planned for February but it will be interesting to recall how we finished off 2019 with some great Christmas cheer in a number of venues. We had our usual shopping centre gigs but the most memorable was our set of Christmas songs at the Beewah carols by candlelight in front of 3000 people. Everybody got really into it and a number of very favourable comments were had from the audience.
lst in Homemaker Centre, we formed the School of Rock for the over 65’s. Please see the attached picture. Thanks to the School Locker Music Store for the guitars. We caused quite a stir in their shop window.
We are approaching 2020 with a new excitement as it’s our 30th Anniversary year. We propose to hold a concert in August but we are also planning a formal dinner where we will invite all past and present members plus some VIP guests to help celebrate this achievement.
The Sunshine Statesmen are also hosting the Sunshine regional contest in May and are hoping for a great attendance from all the other choruses in the Sunshine region. We are hoping you all stay for the Free Bacon and Egg Roll brunch on Mooloolaba Spit Beach on Sunday morning before your drive home.
Mal Woods
A great experience with Capital Chorus in London
A year ago I booked a two month trip to England, intending to do a 4 week language course in Italy. But, having decided against it, I wondered how I would fill my time.
Just before leaving Australia in December I did a quick internet search to check out the barbershop situation in London.There were several choruses, but “Capital Chorus” in West London caught my eye, and was reasonably close to where I was staying. Having emailed them and had a response saying I’d be welcome to join them for a rehearsal, I headed along on a dark, cold, winter’s night with just a wisp of trepidation. I’d looked at a couple of their performances on the website and they looked quite a jolly bunch, so I wasn’t too nervous.
After warming up with them and watching a couple of songs, they encouraged me to join in. Here, I have to admit, as a Lead, it’s much easier to join in from scratch. With the sheet music, and a couple of Leads behind me, I felt like I’d been singing with them for years.
On top of that, they had a new musical director who I couldn’t believe had only done a couple of rehearsals with them. He obviously also felt at home, as I would have sworn he’d been there for years.
To top off a great evening of singing, quite a few went to the local pub where I wasn’t allowed to buy a round of beers. I felt so at home with them, after 3 pints of beer I’d decided to move back to London! After 4 pints, we were thrown out at 1am.
I planned the rest of my two months around being in London on Monday nights as I didn’t want to miss a single rehearsal. It was such an enriching experience traveling to the other side of the world to find an instant “family” I could be part of. I realise how special the barbershop fraternity is.
It was great to end the trip attending one of their performances the night before I left and celebrating afterwards ( where I think we stayed till closing time again). I asked if they had an associate membership so I could join to keep up with them. They very kindly said it would be on the agenda for the next executive meeting!
So! A very big thanks to Capital Chorus and to the Barbershop Network for providing such a magnificent opportunity. Though after sobering up, I realised it wasn’t very likely I’d be moving back to London in the near future. I look forward to singing with them when I visit next year.
Eric von Nida
Member of High Altitude Harmony
Eastern Region Harmony College 2020
Valentines Day 2020 saw ninety plus singers from the Eastern Region barbershop community, abandon their Valentines in favour of a weekend away with their singing mates at the Catalina Conference Centre. This historic facility started its life as a hospital attached to the wartime Catalina Flying Boat Base at Rathmines on the shores of the beautiful Lake Macquarie about 90 minutes drive north of Sydney.
The centre was bursting at the seams with the sell-out crowd of our ninety or so delegates and faculty utilising the facility to its fullest.
The faculty was made up of four noteworthy trainers from within our region plus two highly respected "imported" trainers.
The full faculty was made up of :
Rob Sequeira (Vox Canvas)
Vicki Dwyer (Sydney Harmony & Circular Keys)
Jono Albertini (The Blenders)
Kieran O'Dea (Adelaide Vocal Union)
Gareth Hearne (Sydney Harmony)
Russell Bailey (Wollongong Mens Barbershop Chorus)
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The action packed program, which was deftly arranged by Vicki Dwyer, started immediately after dinner on the Friday night and did not let up until we said our farewells after lunch on the following Sunday. The only thing lacking for the entire weekend was sleep!!
The highlight of this annual ER event was the Showcase Concert held at the Wangi Wangi Workers Club on the Saturday night. Around twelve quartets and six choruses performed to a highly enthusiastic audience of one hundred and fifty or so paying guests plus our delegates. The finale brought the house down when all the ninety+ delegates crowded onto the risers to perform to two selected songs for the weekend, I still call Australia Home, conducted by Vicki Dwyer and Put your arms around me, Conducted by Keiran O'Dea. A memorable night indeed!.
No write-up of this event would be complete without acknowledging the huge personal effort put into it by our new Eastern Region President, Stuart Adey and his wife Beth. Stuart was the go-to man for virtually everything from arranging the venue, making sure everyone had a bed and providing all the catering for the weekend. Stuart was ably backed up by his mates from Soundwaves, but without Stuart's involvement, the event would, at very least, cost significantly more than the modest registration fee charged.
Well done and thanks Stuart, SoundWaves and all those who worked thanklessly behind the scenes to make this such a great weekend.
Dick Bushell
Welcome to our newest members
Ghandi | Mandel | The Melbournaires Harmony Chorus |
Trevor | Perera | The Melbournaires Harmony Chorus |
Chris | Plummer | The Melbournaires Harmony Chorus |
Jason | Rout | The Melbournaires Harmony Chorus |
Jarom | Welsh | The Melbournaires Harmony Chorus |
Peter | Joint | The Melbournaires Harmony Chorus |
Alex | Jordan | Barbershop Harmony Club Of Canberra Inc |
Toby | Silcock | Barbershop Harmony Club Of Canberra Inc |
Andy | Moore | Barbershop Harmony Club Of Canberra Inc |
Michael | Joost | Barbershop Harmony Club Of Canberra Inc |
Damian | Rutledge | Barbershop Harmony Club Of Canberra Inc |
Pete | Thipayaprapai | Barbershop Harmony Club Of Canberra Inc |
Frank | Bergerson | Barbershop Harmony Club Of Canberra Inc |
Tom | Kentwell | Barbershop Harmony Club Of Canberra Inc |
Peter | Brown | Barbershop Harmony Club Of Canberra Inc |
HURRY! Directors' School registrations closing
Hi all,
Sweet Adelines Australia is hosting its annual Directors' School this year from 17-19 January in Sydney. All BHA Directors, Assistant Directors and Visual Leaders are warmly invited to join this event with the option of day registration.
The guest faculty is BHS's Cy Wood (bio here:
Directors' School is always a great opportunity for learning, sharing and networking with chorus leaders from around the country, and (very importantly) is great fun! Participants arrive in time for dinner on Friday, and depart after lunch on Sunday.
The cost is $150 per person, which includes two dinners (Fri/Sat), two lunches (Sat/Sun), morning and afternoon tea, Saturday and Sunday education sessions and handouts. Please note that accommodation isn't included. The registration link is here:
Registration for BHA members must close by 2nd January so we can notify the venue of the final numbers. For further information, please email Jenni Pyefinch (Sweet Adelines Australia Directors' Coordinator) directors@
Andrew Howson, VP Music
Barbershop Harmony Australia
SydneySiders Express Harmony Chorus (SSEHC) "What a year"
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Following the Ryde Eisteddfod and concert mentioned previously, we made return visits to several Retirement Communities. We performed at a Seniors’ Lunch provided by Lindfield Rotary Club, leaving with an invite to return in 2020. These activities provide entertainment, valued funds for our charity and the opportunity to ‘road test’ the latest additions to our repertoire: “Summer Time”, “What a Wonderful World”, “Imagine” and “Perhaps Love"; invaluable experience gained through public performances (17 this year).
This year has seen us seek new venues and several firsts, “The Marion” in Leichardt and “Gracewood” in Kellyville. Our performance at “Constitution Hill” Northmead gained us the invitation to return for their Christmas Party. We also entertained the guests at a Dementia Awareness Week Picnic Luncheon at the Woodcroft Community Centre.
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The ’firsts’ were efforts to embrace aspects of the BHA Strategic Plan 2018-21, i.e.
‘To be a force for good in the wider community and in brand recognition’.
We achieved this, participating in a Citizenship Ceremony here in Ryde, the first time the official songs have been performed by a choral group. We hope to continue with this important civic event. Council requested a PDF of our publicity flyer, which was included in a gift pack for each new citizen.
Also we approached our closest Bunnings (Rydalmere) for involvement in weekend “Sausage Sizzles”, and were offered a cancellation. We conducted our first “Sizzle" on Saturday 30th November. On the following Thursday evening we participated in a “Family Night" at the same venue.
The highlight for the year was our visit to our charity, The Oncology Unit, The Children's Hospital at Westmead. We performed in the foyer and at several nursing stations then presented our donation of $4000.
We rounded out the year with our Christmas Party, where the more intrepid members entertained family and friends.
Lionel Eastwood
Events Coordinator
SydneySiders Express Harmony Chorus
Hobart BHA Convention
What a wonderful occasion was the 2019 BHA Australia Convention held at Wrestpoint Casino Hobart, Tasmania. Wrestpoint Casino is the perfect venue for such a get-together as it has large, modern, versatile entertainment areas as well as a variety of smaller function rooms. The casino has a number of eating areas to suit differing tastes and needs, as well as multiple bars on-site. This made for a very pleasant stay for a big gathering of barber-shoppers!
Newcastle’s Novatones chorus and quartets had a great time in Hobart-spending time listening to some marvellous harmony, as well as performing and joining in with lots of groups and individuals, who all love to sing in the barbershop style. We enjoyed catching up with long-time friends, as well as meeting and singing with, other like-minded people from around Australia. The quality of singing was high during all the events. This included serious competition, semi-serious entertainment, quality-learning activities, as well as more relaxed times in multiple locations around the main venue and at other places around the beautiful city of Hobart. BHA provided an excellent Judging panel who also doubled as coaches to assist with taking barbershop choruses and quartets to a higher level.
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Due to some good local promotion, a large number of locals turned up excitedly to learn and sing a popular song, in the barbershop style. We witnessed some top-line barbershop harmony, from not only Signature, the phenomenal champion quartet from the US, but also from quartets and choruses from around Australia. Audiences could not help but be impressed, with the variety of performances that exuded beautiful harmony, deep emotion, and a good spattering of humour. For me, that tinge of humour started right from the onset, when my wife and I were booking in- the reception clerk asked me if I was part of that large ‘hair-dressing group’ that was visiting!
We are all looking forward to Auckland!
Mark Henley Novatones Bari and reporter
Pan Pac 2020
Early details have now been released of the next Pan Pacific Convention to be held in Auckland in 2020. As with some previous Pan Pac's, this Convention will also coincide with the next BHA National Convention on the same dates and in the same venue although this will be the first time a BHA National Convention has been held outside Australia.
Name of Convention: The convention will be known as “Pan Pac 2020”.
Venue: The contests will be held at the Victory Convention Centre, not far from the CBD, hotels and the waterfront entertainment area. You can see more detail at .
Dates: The first activities will occur on the morning of Thursday 10 September 2020 and the last activity will be the Farewell Lunch on Sunday 13 September 2020.
An Unusual Feature: This will be the first “Everyone in Harmony” Pan Pac, with contests for Men’s Quartets, Men’s Choruses, Ladies Quartets, Ladies Choruses, Mixed Quartets and Mixed Choruses.
Other activities: The New Zealand Young Singers in Harmony (YSIH) annual convention will take place at the same venue on Tue 8 and Wed 9 September. This will include secondary school choruses from all over New Zealand, both boys’ choruses and girls’ choruses. While this is an associated barbershop activity, with amazing performances expected and a special show on the Wednesday evening, it is not part of Pan Pac 2020.
Headline Quartet: The Headline Quartet will be “Main Street” who come with a reputation of being great entertainers and we are privileged to have them join us.
Watch out for the first Pan Pac 2020 Newsletter in the near future
Festival Statesmen
Members of the Festival Statesmen have just returned from the Hobart Festival and would like to thank all those involved with putting on such an awesome week. We congratulate all of the competitors and in particular Sound Connection, The Baden Street Singers and The Collective for their beautiful and inspiring performances throughout the week. We know that you will be wonderful BHA ambassadors for the coming year.
We would also like to congratulate all of the Festival Statesmen associated groups including, Nick Nack Paddy Catt for winning Youth Gold and Rehash for their Bronze Medal placing 5th. Also congratulations must go to Poster Boys and Covering All Basses for finishing in the Top Ten Quartets. We also acknowledge members Cam Du'Rieu and Ben Neldner for their work with Adelaide Vocal Union taking home the Small Chorus Trophy, congratulation to all.
It was an honour for the Festival Statesmen to sing several times throughout the Festival as your outgoing 2018 Gold Medallists. Thank you for having us!
We now look forward to our next concert which is the Central Region Benefit Concert which is being put on by the Central Region to aid in our fundraising efforts for our trip to Los Angeles next year. The show will be on October 27, head to our website for more details! We then look forward to a joint Christmas Concert with High Spirits Harmony on Saturday 14th of December. Hope to see you there!
Anthony Little
Vice President Festival Statesmen
Melbournaires - “Look out!! The BarME Vics are coming.”
Sunday August 11th saw the first full rehearsal of the Melbournaires newest chorus, the Barbershop Mixed Ensemble Victoria under the direction of Traci Voss, MD of the Melbourne Chorus. At the time of writing there are approximately 17 men and 13 women in the chorus, and after being “whipped into shape” by voice parts, riser positions etc, the group is producing a lovely sound that you don’t hear in single gender choruses.
The BarME Vics is a temporary title but the initial aim is to compete in the 2020 BHA Vic Regional competition.
The ladies in the group come from the Melbourne Chorus, Vocal Vibes, East City Sound, and Southern Sounds which are the Sweet Adelines choruses in the metropolitan area.
The Melbournaires are proud to be involved in the development of a new dimension in Barbershop singing.
The Hobart Convention kicked off on the Tuesday with what became a highlight for many. The wonderful Alex Morris, together with the WA quartet Electric Barbercats, led a very large group of singers in learning a new version of the classic 1984 Hunters and Collectors song “Throw your Arms Around Me”. This song has had many iterations and covers, but never one like this. The result was a night-time spot on the local ABC TV.
With regard to the Melbournaires Harmony Chorus, four quartets performed, namely Sound Investment 65.7%, Boardwalk 64.6%, Around The Blend 68%, and looking resplendent in green ties and waistcoats, Fourtet scored a creditable 61.8% for a new and still evolving four.
Boardwalk was awarded a silver medal in the Seniors section, and mixed quartet Around the Blend won a bronze.
The Melbournaires Chorus scored 67.4% reflecting the time and effort, skills and patience of MD Ian Lushey, in maintaining this level of commitment. The objective and ultimate challenge is to consistently break the 70% mark, and if the chorus, with many new members, maintains its enthusiasm and desire for learning, undoubtedly progress will be forthcoming.
The convention, including the exquisite scenery surrounding Hobart, was enjoyed by all and contained many highlights. Our thanks to the BHA Convention Committee and especially the Hobart team responsible for the on-the-ground organizing. A warm welcome from a well-prepared convention.
Terry Phillips
SydneySiders Express
Following the publication of the last newsletter (our first contribution for several years) we received a letter from George Walker, a member in the early years. George appreciated the brief history update and happily recognised several members in the accompanying photograph; sixteen current members share his history of those times.
In particular he was happy to see that Doris Ward is still active in the chorus. Doris founded the chorus in 1989 and was our founding MD. She has been our vocal coach for some years and is currently our Acting MD. Our long time MD, Dr Brian Johnson, is currently recovering from surgery.
George also commended our sing-outs in Retirement Villages and Nursing Homes in support of our chosen charity, the Oncology Unit at the Children's Hospital at Westmead and our desire to be a force for good in our local community.
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What is it about that Barbershop Chord?
The chorus has just participated in a gala concert in support of Christian Community Aid, Eastwood, our chosen songs being: “Can You Feel The Love Tonight" (Lion King); “Hallelujah” (Cohen); “What A Wonderful World" (Armstrong). From the first tune-up chord the audience was captivated.
What is it that makes a performance become something more than the sum of its parts and our individual pursuits in this activity more than just a hobby? Is it the fullness or expansion of sound, the understandable diction and speech-like singing, the natural unmanufactured delivery free of apparent effort rooted in a complete mastery of breath control? This art or craft, these skills we pursue as amateur barbershoppers, was met with rapturous applause and we were greeted like celebrities when mingling at interval and again at the conclusion of the concert.
When asked for a post mortem at our following rehearsal, Doris commented on the enthusiastic applause and our beautiful singing.
Yours in harmony,
Lionel Eastwood
Events Coordinator
SydneySiders Express Harmony Chorus
Hills Harmony - The Good Ol' Guys again!
Hills Harmony wins the Andy Arbele Trophy for the Senior Chorus in the National Barbershop Competition.
Great headlines, We have done it again and are delighted to do so. We can continue to promote our chorus as “The Good Ol’ Guys” and have a trophy to prove it.
We now have back to back wins, like the NRL Roosters. Let us tell you these old roosters from North West Sydney are “cock a hoot” about retaining the Andy Arberle Trophy. The bottom line is we are singing well, very competently and competitively and enjoying ourselves at the same time. Our “purpose built” competition song, “When I’m 84”, a parody of The Beatles “When I’m 64” fostered big smiles, laughter, mirth and some rolled eyes from the audience. Just as we planned, happiness all round. We would like to thank Andy and the BHA for implementing the “Senior Chorus” It has given us another reason to keep singing.
Speaking of Good O’l guys. After one of the several occasions we have been busking at local shopping centres, a passing spectator, obviously from a much younger generation, posted a comment and photo on our facebook page. “Why I love living in Australia. Geriatric flash mob”. We are a little indecisive about our feelings toward being referred to as geriatric, but the comment was a positive one. It is becoming harder to hide the fact we are getting older but we were recognised as a “Flash” mob and our singing made a young lady happy she was living in Australia. Great fun.
Our concert last Saturday for the residents of Rowland Village, a local RSL retirement centre was a return gig. Feedback has been very positive. They loved our variety, including Peter Donald’s family quartet Accelerando and his virtuoso work on the violin, the fact that they could sing along with the songs, (they were christened “age appropriate”) , move in time, connect with some pleasant memories and that our performance left them “awake and smiling”. All were part of the very pleasant and worthwhile afternoon.
Paul Meller
Miner Chords - New MD
The Miner Chords are really pleased and proud to announce that they have a new MD – Glen Hart.
Our previous MD, Gordon Dryden has been on holiday and has also attended to some health maintenance. He’s also said he’ll take most of next year off, hence our new MD. The Miners are very grateful to Gordon for keeping us together and keeping us singing. He’s going to join us again, occasionally, as an ordinary member and we look forward to having him in the Leads.
Speaking of sections, we really need a tenor or two, so if you know someone in Ipswich who could sing tenor with us, we’ll send you a virtual bottle of champagne to make it worth your while to send them along.
We are rehearsing now for several Christmas performances in November and December which means brushing up on songs for old members and learning new ones for the ‘new’ members. We are also navigating our way through the challenges posed for women’s voices singing songs designed for men’s voices.
We recently sang at a Men’s Group. We shared their evening meal and in return sang with them, then performed for them, and then got them to sing with us. It really was fun – a bit of barbershop and a bit of free range singing, we even sang a hymn as a round!
Again, welcome to Glen – we’re looking forward to working with you.
Youth Development News
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I’d like to start by thanking the Hobart Convention Committee for all their hard work in getting so many local students involved in the BHA youth workshop on the Friday of the Festival. The Hobart Convention Committee has made an impact by visiting schools regularly to provide resources, opportunities for performance, and coaching to the schools, which will help foster a longer term commitment to Barbershop in these schools. The students all had an excellent time working with Signature and learned a lot from the experience. I’d also like to thank the members of the Baden Street Singers and Sound Connection for joining the school students on stage and supporting them with your wonderful voices.
Last week, BHA had a presentation slot at this years Australian Society for Music Education conference, with the aim to expose many teachers to the benefits of having Barbershop as part of a music curriculum. Due to unforeseen circumstances, I was unable to attend to give this presentation, but fortunately for BHA, one of our Music Category judges, and most successful directors, Nick Schurmann was able to step in with only a few days notice to deliver an engaging and exciting presentation. Those in attendance were also lucky enough to get a performance from the current mixed chorus champions, the Baden Street Singers, to get them excited about what Barbershop can be at its’ highest level!
Looking to the future, I will be working closely with the 2021 convention committee to make the youth event in the gold coast the biggest and most successful one BHA has ever had.
Yours in Harmony,
Kieran O’Dea
Vice President, Youth Development.
Sound Connection In the News
Sound Connection and our sister organisation, Vocalescence, performed to a packed auditorium for both an afternoon and an evening show on the 24th of August. Sound Connection sang songs from our 60’s repertoire including Can’t Help Falling in Love, Happy Together, Aquarius, King of the Road and Sloop John B.
On the 3rd of October, the Gold Coast Bulletin published a very complimentary article about our recent gold-medal win in Hobart. We were extremely proud of the fact that this was the first gold medal for 6 of our 22 members (a little over 25%) and for 5 members, this was their first contest performance. One of our members, Charlie Voges, now has 11 gold chorus medals and 1 quartet gold medal.
To take advantage of the free publicity from the article, we will be holding an Open Night on the 14th of October to attract new members before the busy Christmas season.
Sound Connection will be performing at several Christmas Carol events this year, including the premiere event, Carols on the Beach in Surfer’s Paradise on the 22nd of December.
Jerry Sadlowski
Sound Connection
Please welcome our new members
Cameron |
Hinton |
Vox Canvas Club |
Wesley |
Lam |
Pivotal Point Harmony Inc. |
Frank |
McDonald |
Barbershop Harmony Club Of Canberra Inc |
Andy |
Richards |
Barbershop Harmony Club Of Canberra Inc |
James |
Collier |
Barbershop Harmony Club Of Canberra Inc |
Alex |
Hopkins |
Misty Mountain Moonshiners |
Tom |
Wills |
Barbershop Harmony Club Of Canberra Inc |
Calling all History Buffs
Do you have photos and/ or videos of barbershop in Australia from across the years?
I have begun teaching a class at Harmony Academy each year on the history of BHA. I already have a bunch of material such as all scores, some historic photos and videos, etc, but I want much more to be able to include in my class and hopefully a stand-alone video on the history of BHA that I will put together. Specifically what I’m looking for are photos and videos of
Convention – especially early years– groups photos of the welcome dinner, mass sing, full audience during competition, any group photos that were taken, such as a Harmony College
Medallist quartets and choruses
Launching of clubs/ inaugural events (like first rehearsal)
Trips/ concerts/ coaching visits etc – things that show a specific event in the history of your club, and therefore BHA
If you have any of these, please contact me at or 0411 519 851
Also, if you can digitise videos, please get in touch. We have a large number of videos (at least hundreds of hours) that are going to be lost forever when the physical videos deteriorate.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Richard Reeve, BHA National Education Faculty
High Altitude Harmony
Greetings from High Altitude Harmony which has returned home safely from a wonderful BHA Convention in Hobart. We’d like to congratulate the organisers of this great event and we’ve come away inspired by the quality of the quartets and choruses we were privileged to witness. HAH is especially proud of Fifth Gear and Good 4 U who represented us on the contest stage, and we especially congratulate ‘our’ 2019 Seniors Quartet Champions ESCAPADE on their win.
Since the last edition of the BHA Harmony Newsletter we’ve continued our coaching work with Kelly Shepherd and have delivered two fantastic public concerts as well as a performance at Toowoomba Rep Theatre in support of the Internationally renowned Carnival of Flowers.
We’re in great voice right now and have a steady stream of community gigs to keep us occupied. Our new learn and revision Christmas repertoire is now in fully swing and we’re looking forward to our break up at the Downs Steam Railway Station on December 7. We’ll also revive our Australiana repertoire in the hope we jag an Australia Day gig next year.
HAH Executive
Brisbane River City Clippers
After enjoying the National convention, the pleasures of Hobart and the delights of Tasmania the Brisbane River City Clippers arrived home to find strange omens and messages from an alien source. We knew our annual show would be out of this world (it always is) but the messages presaged something even more than this.
Voyager One, launched into deepest space in 1977, carries a golden CD of music. To our delight, faint messages coming back to our super sensitive telepathic receptors (a.k.a. music director, Nick Ellis and music team) alerted us to a mysterious vibe. Something, or someone, was trying to connect with the music. So our show is going to explain and demonstrate the deeper meaning of music for any intelligent creature who may drop in.
This will be a close encounter of musical kind. There is a lot to think of: How do explain human emotions to an alien? What about falling in love, having children and other human stories? Fortunately, Barbershop has lots of material to help us with this.
The guys will not be doing it all alone. We are pleased to be joined by Blue Sky Harmony (director Julie Edwards) a Brisbane-based female barbershop chorus. They will bring life to the other side of Barbershop’s messages of harmony, friendship and human-other encounters. A chorus-based octet Just Ate will add some humour and parody to the mix.
The show will be on Sun, 27 Oct 2019 at the McElligott Theatre at 1.30 pm.
St Laurence's College, 82 Stephens Road, South Brisbane.
Facebook event:
Last month over half the chorus travelled down to wonderful Hobart for the National Convention and Harmony Festival events. The Barbershop Pub Choir was a great way to kick off with the John Little Show to follow up.
For the quartet competitions the Clippers premiere quartet, ‘Three Squirrels and a Nut’, were on the stage with the best and scored a personal best. Congratulations guys! The next day they were among the groups doing ‘pop-ups’ around town. Their performance in the wonderful acoustic of the Hadley hotel was a gem to remember.
The full Chorus came together for the Chorus Chorale. It was time to sing for the love of it and share the pleasure with a like-minded audience.
The chorus assembled for the next day’s chorus competition with high expectations. We were keen to build on the success we had achieved in Adelaide. We each felt we had sung well on the day but the judges were listening critically for the ensemble effect and our collective score was less than what we had hoped. The recordings of the performance, the evaluations and our own self-assessments are a valuable resource for building the collective sound we want. Auckland – here we come!
Congratulations to Sound Connection, our Gold Coast neighbours for winning the chorus competition this year. Nick Ellis, our director, sings with the group, so there was an extra reason to enjoy your success.
See you all in Auckland next year.
Malcolm Alexander
Sydney Harmony
What a great time we had in Hobart! The 2019 Barbershop Harmony Festival was a resounding success for us in many ways. After taking a year off by choosing not to compete at the 2018 Adelaide Convention, it was a real thrill for the chorus to take to the contest stage at Wrest Point as the first competitor of the day and present our “Fool” package to such a welcoming audience. We are absolutely delighted with our 4th Placing and extremely appreciative of the glowing feedback we received from so many of our fellow barbershoppers after our performance.
In their national quartet contest debut, our guys The Steamed Hams performed exceptionally well, earning 11th place in a highly competitive field and securing the coveted “mic test” spot for the Finals on Friday night. Well done Steamers! And congratulations to our Assistant Musical Director, Gareth Hearne, for his quartet Helix’s 7th Place in the quartet Final.
We had quite a large contingent from the chorus attend Harmony Academy this year, including our MD Vicki Dwyer and key members of our Music Team, taking advantage of the excellent education on offer from the expert faculty. Our quartet Roaming grabbed the opportunity and enrolled in the Quartet stream, getting valuable one-on-one coaching from visiting International Quartet champs Signature among others. Great education and a good time was had by all!
Immediately following Harmony Academy, Signature quartet came and spent a few days as tourists in our beautiful city. Admittedly with very little notice but with the unique chance to present a performance opportunity featuring the current BHS International Quartet Champion, our team sprung into action and organised an impromptu concert for the Saturday night at Sydney Harmony’s rehearsal venue in North Sydney. About 130 of Sydney’s barbershop community turned out to hear a blistering set performed by Signature on their final night in Australia. Local groups Circular Keys Chorus, Vox Canvas, Alouette quartet, Bardic Post, Accelerando and Sydney Harmony warmed up the audience before the superlative Signature wowed the room with their undeniable talent.
The afterglow rolled on for hours with traditional barbershop camaraderie, copious refreshments and tags a plenty. It will be a night long remembered. Our heartfelt thanks extends to the guys of Signature for their friendship and unbound generosity in leaving their Sydney fans such a gift. Till next time!
Tony Sykes
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Wollongong Men’s Barbershop Chorus is definitely growing in numbers. In the past twelve months we have had some fresh ideas coming our way from our new director Russell Bailey with some good social Media advertising we some new and fresh members! Things are feeling good and we even have a new quartet formed which is performing publicly this month.
Claudio Lodi
Publicity Officer
BHA Movember Challenge (2.5Mb)
We all know the health benefits and camaraderie that comes from singing together as part of this wonderful Barbershop family and we are determined to share that message with the Australian community.
Similarly, as a group of members spanning Australia we have sought to find an opportunity to collaborate in a nation-wide project focussed on improving outcomes for others.
So this year we have reached out to the Movember Foundation to join with them in promoting Men’s Health and promoting within BHA an initiative to participate in Movember 2019 (with a special shout out to Vox Canvas who last year provided the inspiration for this initiative).
Imagine this. If 60 percent of the members of all of our clubs across Australia joined in to raise an average of $25 per member we could raise over $12,000 whilst sharing the joy of Barbershop. It is fully inclusive for any member, from the classic “Mo growing” experience, to Movement challenges, through to simply fundraising with other members of the Movember community. We can share stories, photos, fun and friendship whilst engaging in community events and sharing our love of Barbershop.
The BHA national council will arrange for Movember to set up a “Challenge” for Barbershop Harmony Australia. A Challenge is an umbrella page on the Movember website for our organisation that enables us to keep track of how our fundraising is tracking as a whole.
Before we can get this set up, the first step is for all participants to head to and Sign Up for a Fundraising (Mo Space) page as individuals. This is an easy process and takes only ten minutes. After signing up, one person from each Team will create the Team fundraising page – this person will become the Team Captain.
When we give the word, Movember will then establish a “Barbershop Harmony Australia Challenge” page, which all barbershop teams will join. This will allow us to keep track of our network’s fundraising total, post pictures and messages, and see leader boards for each Team..
To get us started I have attached Movembers Core Fundraising Guide which will give you an overview of what Movember is all about and also has some great fundraising ideas in there.
We trust that you will fully consider the opportunities to engage with your fellow Barbershoppers across Australia and within our communities in this collaborative and outwards reaching initiative.
Please contact me if you have any questions or need assistance.
Yours In Harmony,
Barbershop Harmony Australia
2019 Hobart Festival - That's a wrap!
Well it is hard to believe the Hobart Festival is done and dusted. What a great time we all had and, for those who followed up the Festival with the fantastic Harmony Academy afterwards, you were treated to a unique and wonderful learning experience.
The Hobart Festival chalked up a number of firsts, not the least of which is the name change from Convention to Festival. This immediately creating a much more inclusive environment for people from outside of our Barbershop fraternity to join in and see what we are all about.
The Pub Chorus, City Pop-ups, the "Everyone Singing in Harmony" Workshop and the free Public Concert were all new initiatives proving to be outstanding successes.
The various competitions were very well supported with an extremely high standard throughout. If you haven't already done so, you can check out all the individual scores on the BHA website or directly through this link
The feature quartet Signature were breathtaking and rarely have we seen this level of dynamic performance brought to the Barbershop stage.
The overall organisation and venue were superb and full marks must go to the Tasmanian organising team and the National Council for putting together such a well organised and enjoyable event.
The next BHA National event will be held at the Pan Pac 2020 in Auckland with further details about this upcoming event elsewhere in this Newsletter.
Dick Bushell - Editor
Welcome to our newest members
Gerry | Carney | Riverland Ramblers Mens Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Edward | Sarroff | Pivotal Point Harmony Inc. |
Stuart | Creighton | Pivotal Point Harmony Inc. |
Jackson | Beck | Pivotal Point Harmony Inc. |
Mark | Sheppard | Pivotal Point Harmony Inc. |
Stirling | Edwards | Vox Canvas Club |
Boyd | Blackwell | Barbershop Harmony Club Of Canberra Inc |
Marcus | Amann | Barbershop Harmony Club Of Canberra Inc |
Rachel | Ryan | The Baden Street Singers Inc |
Ted | Nettle | SydneySiders Express Inc |
Don't miss the Canberra Workshop with legendary Steve Scott
A reminder of a fantastic educational opportunity coming up later in the year on 22-24 November 2019 in Canberra. The legendary Steve Scott is presenting a weekend workshop for interested barbershop singers and musical leaders.
On Friday night and Saturday, learn how you voice REALLY works, how to sing your best and how to teach others. On Sunday, watch Steve coach award winning Sweet Adelines chorus Brindabella Chorus as they prepare to defend their title of International Champion Midsize Barbershop Chorus. Watching a masterful coach at work and observing the impact on the singers is a fascinating way to learn more.
Registrations are now open! http://www.brindabellachorus.
Glenda Lloyd
Brindabella Chorus
2019 Hobart Festival - Latest News
The Latest edition of the Festival News has recently been circulated to all members. This included important information to everyone as summarised herein.
Click the "Read more" link then click on any of the headings to see the latest Festival News- YOUR FESTIVAL COMMITTEE
What's in a name?
Not so! it never ceases to amaze me the number of our members who refer to our Newsletter as the "Harmonizer". This, of course is the magazine style newsletter circulated by the America Barbershop organisation BHS (as referred in the following article) and has nothing to do with our BHA Newsletter "In Harmony".
This leads me to believe that it may be time for our Newsletter to have a new name. One that we can all relate to and remember.
I am looking for suggestions to put to the National Council for consideration.
It would be appreciated if any suggestions (good,bad or indifferent) could be emailed to me at
I can't promise any great prize or award for the "winner" but I can promise you will be acknowledged as the creator should we decide to use your suggestion.
Many thanks
Dick Bushell - Newsletter Editor
Highly sought after educator to visit Canberra in November 2019
Brindabella Chorus (Sweet Adelines Australia) is thrilled to announce that we're bringing the legendary Steve Scott to Australia, and we'd like to share his amazing talents with you.
Steve is the Music Education Specialist for the Barbershop Harmony Society. He is highly sought after as an education and speaker in the barbershop world. Steve is an active researcher, presenting at national and international music conferences. His research interests include the biophysiology of the barbershop singing voice, barbershop acoustics, barbershop history, and Brazilian art song.
Brindabella Chorus is hosting a workshop weekend with Steve in Canberra on the weekend of 22-24 November 2019, and we’re throwing open the doors to barbershoppers from around Australia to come to the nation’s capital and learn from the best!
Some of you have already been fortunate to learn from Steve at Harmony University in Nashville over the last couple of years, and we're excited at the idea that our Australian barbershoppers can have the opportunity to learn from him in person. This will be some of the best barbershop education available in the world...with no passport required.
To learn more about this great opportunity, visit the event page on Brindabella’s website:
We're also trying to gauge the level of interest so that we can book the most suitable venue, so we'd like you to complete a pre-registration survey indicating your interest. This isn't a commitment to attend, but it will help us with our planning. Once we have an idea of attendees, we'll be able to provide you with more information including registration fees. Our aim is to cover some of the costs of bringing Steve out while keeping the workshop affordable for you. Complete the pre-registration survey
We hope to see many members of Barbershop Harmony Australia and Sweet Adelines Australia getting together to learn and share our love of barbershop harmony!
Glenda Lloyd
Lead, UMQ Quartet - BHA 2017 and 2018 Silver Medallist Mixed Quartet
Bass, Debacle Quartet - 2018 Sweet Adeline Australian Champion Quartet
Master Director, Brindabella Chorus – 2017 International Champion Midsize Chorus
Letter to the Editor - Help is on its way
Good afternoon,
I am writing to let you know about an exciting choral project that the Queensland Music Festival are planning for next year.
In 2019, QMF will be producing the Help is on its Way project, a National choral initiative fostering a dialogue around mental health, raising awareness of available services and encouraging help-seeking behaviour, particularly for our men and boys. We are reaching out across the nation with an inclusive and open invitation for choirs and individuals of all levels, abilities and sizes to learn the powerful hit, 'Help is on its Way' and share the once in a lifetime opportunity to sing with the legendary Glenn Shorrock.
After the Festival has officially announced the project in April 2019, we hope you will be able to include ‘Help is on its Way’ in your performance repertoire all we would ask is that you share with your audience that this song is part of a larger project designed to foster a dialogue around mental well being.
The Help is on its Way project will culminate in a mass choral event in Brisbane on Saturday 27 July 2019 with performances, activations and concerts throughout Queensland during the Festival. No matter where you live there will be many exciting ways to be involved.
Register your interest now for access to the musical arrangement, guide tracks and everything you need to start learning and preparing the song, as well as regular updates about the project.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: https://rego.qmf.
Warm regards,
2019 QMF Choral Team
The Help is on its Way Project
Queensland Music Festival
L1, 381 Brunswick St, Fortitude Valley, QLD, 4006?
PO Box 1060, Fortitude Valley, QLD, 4006?
T +61 7 3010 6600
F +61 7 3010 6666?
As the morning sun peeked over the Sydney Myer Music Bowl and highlighted the rolling parkland of Kings Domain, another beautiful Melbourne day was about to welcome Australia Day 2019. Apart from the thousands of Australians from dozens of countries displaying their national costumes and heritage, another offering for the day was the pending entertainment in the Domain.
The Melbournaires had once again been invited to this quite prestigious event organized by the RACV, and were the lead act of the day. Warm-up time was under the trees in the park, where a few curious on-lookers were absorbed by the techniques involved. The layout was slightly changed from previous shows, in that tables and chairs were appropriately placed to allow more families, more comfort, and more encouragement to linger longer and catch all of the entertainment.
The Melbournaires sang for thirty six minutes interrupted only by the ubiquitous helicopter which unfortunately these days, is par for the course when large crowds gather. The sound system however, was much improved, and the constantly increasing number of listeners, seemed to be enjoying the amazing sounds of barbershop harmony. 26 members of the Melbournaires were present, (25 were requested,) and with MD Ians’ clever arrangement of singers on the stage, the full range of harmonies could be heard drifting across the colourful landscape.
It was soon time for the procession to start, which is another highlight of the day as the dancing, drumming, and unique instrumentals, drew many more families and supporters through the venue. Altogether a wonderfully inspiring day, and one the Melbournaires look forward to every year.
Terry Phillips
Hills Harmony
Hills Harmony Roundup
At the AGM our Hills Harmony stalwarts again put their hands up to volunteer for executive roles within the club. Peter Garnett starts his eighteen year as Treasurer, Dick Bushell is again our BHA representative, edits this communication newsletter for BHA nationally and is focusing on generating performance opportunities for us. Phil Montgomery continues as Secretary, answering our fan mail and David Farley is President, taking up the batten again from Dick. Our members want to publicly acknowledge the effort these tireless workers put in to keeping Hills Harmony thriving. We recognise it and thank them.
Adding a little Spanish flavour, Dave Farley has been our “Ill Presidente” recently undergoing surgery which has been a great success. Dave is up and about and most importantly it has not affected his singing voice. There are a couple our members who are developing ailments but we all try to “carry on carrying on” and get up on the risers with a smile. It really does make us feel better.
Our Christmas party social night was a great way to thank our partners for their support during the year and the open mike gave everyone an opportunity to shine in different ways. I am honoured to have received the Hills Harmony “Barbershopper of the Year” award. A spectacular shield among the tiny number of awards I have collected. Exciting to think an old guy with crook knees can still make a contribution and be appreciated for it.
Our executive team is busy planning our year’s activities and we are looking to have a booking once a month or even more regularly if we can achieve it. We are busking, giving concerts, continuing our outreach efforts with Wollongong Men’s Chorus and taking every opportunity to spread the joy of singing with others. Look out for us around the traps. Hope you all have a wonderfully harmonious 2019.
Paul Meller
Vice President
Hills Harmony
By the time you read this the 2019 BHA National Festival Website will have been launched.
Yes, this year we are offering a diverse program that celebrates barbershop culture and will connect more intimately with the broader Hobart community. Because of this we have chosen to call this year’s event a “Festival” - a celebration, rather than use the term “Convention” which has insular connotations.
As a contest delegate you can participate in all the traditional activities you enjoy:
Harmony Academy, John Little Show, Chorus Corral, Massed Sing, Sing with the Champs, Youth Workshop and, of course, the Contests!
Now, as part of the Festival, you can also participate with your Quartet or Chorus in:
Several Pop-Ups throughout the city, a Pub Choir, a Concert in the Town Hall and a Community Workshop facilitated by the BHA Education Faculty.
I encourage you to check out the website which is still at despite the event’s new appellation. You will see several updates and additions to the menu.
For example, to register as a delegate, mouse-click on REGISTER in the main menu, then Delegate in the sub-menu. To register to participate in other activities described above, click on Free Workshops and Delegate Activities also found in the REGISTER sub-menu.
If you’re unsure or need help, click on HELP in the main menu then FAQ where you will see some “Frequently Asked Questions” (and their answers!).
You will see that the registration fee has had a nominal $8 increase representative of a 2% rise in the Consumer Price Index in the 12 months to December 2018. Your financial contribution covers many benefits including a high quality venue (the Wrest Point Hotel) for the contest and other activities, international and Australasian Barbershop qualified judges, the 2018 BHS Silver Medallist Quartet, Signature, the Welcome Gala Dinner, webcast access and more.
There will be more information added to the website over the coming weeks and you will be informed of these updates via Festival Newsletter.
Richard Wadick - BHA Vice President - Events
Position Vacant - Music Director - Vocal Evolution
Vocal Evolution is seeking a new Musical Director. For information, please contact
Carl Clapham
Vocal Evolution
Message from Derek Cosburn
G'day to all our members.
Whatever you do and wherever you go this Christmas,PLEASE have a happy and most importantly a safe one, this time 'round.
For those in the "Sunshine Region", I look forward to seeing you all in Toowoomba next year, and of course, catching up with everyone in Tassie at our next Nationals.
On a different subject.
Judging by the comments people have continued to make to me since our 1st BHA Medal presentation in 2017,it would appear that it is now an event they look forward to each year.
From my point of view, that is sooooooooo encouraging. And I sincerely thank ALL the nominators who put forward their suggestions for this medal.
So I would like all of those nominators from both years to personally please contact me ( at your earliest convenience ) on
0415625882 or
Have a great Christmas gents (and your partners of course)
Tongue Twisters
I hope this is a suitable submission.
It is a list of 41 Tongue Twisters, varying in length and degree of difficulty.
Gathered from various sources over the years, my dad to tought "The Art of Oral Communication" at the Orange Tech College in the 60's. Any search on the Internet would bring many more to light.
This is a "Teaching Resource" for our chorus, we are a mixed chorus hence the reference to eye liner!!
The Introduction page explains Why? Tongue Twisters.
Please find the attachment.
If any chorus or individual Barbershopper would like to have this as a teaching resource, I would be happy to email it as a 'Word' document or PDF for personal use.
My Email Address is:
and Mobile No: 0438 277 900
If you would like more info or re suitablity please Email or call me.
Yours in harmony,
Lionel Eastwood.
P.S. The 'Integrated Exercise Program' referenced is a fully scripted 12week program, that may be suitable for 'serialization' in future newsletters.
Position Vacant - Music Director - Vocal Evolution
Vocal Evolution is seeking a new Musical Director. For information, please contact
Kind regards
Carl Clapham
Vocal Evolution
BHA 2019 Hobart Convention
Compliments of the season!
Another year draws to a close and many of you will have retired your pitch pipes (at least for a few weeks) having completed your Club’s traditional end-of-year concerts and Christmas sing outs. But even as we start to wind down and relax many have already been busy planning for the coming year. Most Club committees will have started planning their Club events for 2019. Regional boards have locked in dates and venues for their local contests and workshops. Your National Council also has some big plans afoot to support you and keep you inspired, to help you gain maximum enjoyment from this great hobby.
The main focus of my portfolio is our annual National Convention which next year will be in Hobart. It will be held from 18th to 25th September including 3 days at Rokeby for the annual Harmony Academy. The main proceedings will be at the Wrest Point Hotel in Sandy Bay. The event will include some exciting new activities for members to get involved in – we’re keeping the details under wraps for now until the launch of the new Convention website early in the new year, however, the plan is to have a broader outreach into the public arena to promote our hobby to the masses.
So, mark those dates in your diaries, start planning your flights and accommodation, and hey, why not stay an extra week or two? Tassie’s a great O/S* holiday destination!
Best wishes to all of you and your families for a joyful Christmas.
*over strait
Richard Wadick Vice President - Events
In Praise of Baritones
1. Now in the past I’ve written verse both topical and witty Relating to the Barber-shopping scene I’ve covered many topics ‘bout conventions and the like But some folk say I’ve been a trifle mean
2. Occasionally, I’ve made remarks about my fellow songsters But I’ve always praised the Tenors from my heart However, in reflection, I admit, I have been cruel To the Baritones who sing the hardest part
3. Now why this is, I can’t explain – I’ve really no excuse But I’m not the only one who takes this view I’ve read so many articles and poems on the Web About the Baritones - so it must be true...!
4. Of course, I’m always kind when making mention of the Leads And the Basses, they produce such vibrant tones And although the Tenors surely are the greatest of them all Tonight, I wish to ‘Praise the Baritones’
5. I must admit I find it hard to think of things to say But I’m determined that the facts be told tonight So, here’s a few corrections which I’d like to offer you By which I hope to set the record right
6. It's no fun as a Bari when you're singing in the chorus Since you only have two notes or sometimes three But the Baris gathered here tonight are masters of their craft And they sing their rests in perfect harmony
7. No, No, don’t laugh, I’m really trying to be a decent chap And to make amends for what I’ve said before We’ve many Baris here tonight and each is made of gold I just wish that we could get a dozen more
8. Now, when we’re singing ballads or up-tunes or the like It’s the leads who’ll always give the music soul The tenors and the basses will provide such great support But the Baris have to fill in every hole
9. It isn’t easy, that’s for sure, or anyone could do it For a Bari’s lot is not an ‘appy one It’s tremendous that they all can sing this most amazing part When their average age is over eighty-one
10. Praise indeed for the Baritones who stand up here tonight Prepared to put their talents on parade It takes a nerve of steel to sing the Bari’s part you know And at least a couple here have made the grade
11. So, in conclusion, let me say I’ve really done my best To make amends to all the Baritones I’ve put them on a pedestal and praised them one and all Now, all we need from them – is overtones….!
Andrew Wright – © Dec 2018
2018 BHA AGM - Treasurer's Report (88.3kb)
Harmony College - Lost Jacket
Gentleman.I have in my care a lovely suit jacket that was left on the coach on route from Adelaide to Harmony Academy.
If you are missing a 46 Slim Connor brand Blue jacket, please let me know with your mailing address and I will endeavour to return it to you in the coming week.
Linda Vinall
Contest Administrator – Category Specialist
Australasian Guild of Barbershop Judges
0412 195 110
Letter to the Editor - My first Convention
Wow, I won a Chorus silver medal first time at a Barbershop Convention! How did that happen? I have to goldfish some high notes and, like a radio tuning in, I can be pulled away from my part when Quarteting. This is my first year of Barbershopping ever and I am grateful to Barbershop for the many wonderful things that I have been able to achieve. I became a primary Performing Arts teacher in 2018, after many years stuck in the classroom. I wanted to visit choirs around Perth to get some ideas and hopefully find a way to interest boys in singing at school. In January this year, I visited Vocal Evolution intending to sit in the corner and slink away before the end of rehearsal, now I've medalled. At school, I've formed small singing groups of children in need who are much happier as a result and I've passed through a personally challenging year with the ability to call up endorphins at will!
The continuing development of learning programs within Barbershop Harmony Australia will be essential for the growth and evolution of Barbershop in Australia, it's a wave I hope to ride.
Simon Campbell
Member, Vocal Evolution, Perth
Welcome to our new members
Jack de la Lande Festival States-men Inc
Tom Helps Festival States-men Inc
Lachie Washusen Festival States-men Inc
Chris Breen Newcastle Harmony Club
Graeme Checkley Central Coast Barbershop Chorus
Lionel Gordon Central Coast Barbershop Chorus
Paul Laxton Central Coast Barbershop Chorus
Graham Woof Central Coast Barbershop Chorus
Club News - Sound Connection
While we were not competing this year, Sound Connection were still well represented at Hall of Harmony in Adelaide. Dan Beckitt and Trevor Bruger at the merchandise desk, Andrew Howson in the scoring pit, plenty of MC’s and a few quartets all flew the flag for our Association and our chorus.
We would like to congratulate both Blindside and The Festival Statesmen Chorus for their respective wins and congratulate everyone that took part in the weekend. Our biggest thanks go to the organisers and the army of volunteers that it takes to put together a convention of this scale.
We also had a large contingent of members heading to Harmony Academy straight after convention and all reports indicate that, while there was plenty of learning, there was a heap of fun and games (and ice cream).
After a very relaxing year where Sound Connection did not compete in either the Regional or National Conventions, we are all feeling excited about getting back into the competition swing next year. We have our Christmas concert coming up in November, where we share the stage with our sisters in Vocalescence, and then we begin the road to Hobart. Watch out Tassie, we are coming to town and looking forward to sampling some of your famous local food and beverage offerings.
David Reid
VP Music
Letter to the Editor - A Bass's Lament
By E. Ralph Andrew
I wasn’t feeling very well;
The nurses hovered near.
They seemed a little worried,
But I really had no fear.
I’d sometimes sung a hymn or two,
Or sometimes said a prayer,
So if I shuffled off this coil
I shouldn’t have a care.
My quartet came to visit me;
I thought it rather odd
That rather than an uppie piece
They sang, “I’ll Walk with God.”
And then they sang, “Abide with Me”
As the nurses changed my dressing.
I knew I was in trouble when
I heard “The Irish Blessing.”
“I thought you came to cheer me up,”
I said, “Sing something cheerful!”
But the boys seemed sad and out of sorts,
And lachrymose. (That’s “tearful”).
I had to send them out of there
To come another day.
Then I lay back on my pillow, and
I quietly passed away.
But soon I opened up my eyes
Like waking from a coma.
My nostrils were assaulted by
A sulphurous aroma.
I squirmed in some discomfort,
And no wonder that I did,
Because my comfy bed was now
A heated iron grid.
“At least it’s warmer here,” I thought,
As I started to perspire,
For all around me I could see
A roaring, blazing fire.
A fellow stood beside me,
Dressed in red, all quiet and still.
“Uh, oh,” I thought,” this hospital
Has really gone downhill.”
The fellow smiled, and welcomed me,
Despite his horns and tail.
“I’m really glad you’re here,” he said.
I felt myself go pale.
“Don’t worry, man, we’ve plenty here
Of lawyers, priests and coppers.
It’s only rarely we can welcome
Any barbershoppers.”
I gasped in fear, “Oh, you must be
The Evil One, the Devil!”
He laughed and said, “Don’t worry,
I am far below that level.
I’m just about as lowly as
A garbage dump inspector!
In fact, I’m even lower:
I’m our Musical Director.
“A man of your experience
Is really quite a gift!
I want you in our chorus.”
And I felt my spirits lift.
“We need a choreographer,
A treasurer as well.
And you’ll be singing baritone.”
Then I knew I was in hell.
Letter to the Editor - History of Australian choruses at the Nationals since 1993
The BHA website has a record of all the national chorus contests dating back to 1993*. I thought it would be interesting to see how the performance has evolved over the past 25 years. The graphic in Figure 1 shows the overall contest score for each chorus in the open men’s competition. I have traced each chorus back through its various name changes and labelled it with its most recent name (see “Notes on chorus names”).National contests were biennial until Newcastle in 2016. I have added in the scores for the 2014 Pan-Pacific contest in Wellington which six Australian choruses attended.
The Blenders dominated the competition for many years winning eight times in succession. In 2003 Men In Harmony (the original video winners in 1991) gave birth to Vocal Evolution, who finally wrested the mantle back in 2009. In the same year, current champions the Festival Statesmen had their first tilt at the title competing as the Festival Youth Chorus and finishing a creditable third place. Sound Connection emerged in 2012 and after a few short years brought the title back to the Sunshine region in a very close competition in Melbourne in 2015. The trophy has never been to the Eastern region, though Sydney Harmony came very close in 2001.
Individual choruses have had their ups and downs, but overall there has been a clear improvement over the 25 years. Whereas formerly the average performance was in the low C’s, all choruses now are performing at or close to B level.
The graphic also includes the chorus size** grouped into small (20 or less), medium and large (more than 40). The Blenders presented the largest chorus ever in 2005 with 90 singers and won the competition. However second-placed Vocal Evolution with a mere 20 singers showed that even a small chorus could be highly competitive. The trend since then has been towards smaller choruses, and in the last two conventions all choruses presented fewer than 40 singers. These trends are shown more clearly in Figure 2.
I suppose the main message of the story is that 25 years ago most choruses were performing at a low C level and now almost all are solidly in the B's. The first figure shows that upward trend. Even though particular choruses may have gone up and down, the organisation as a whole has improved.
However the graphs are really the starting point for people to make their own discoveries. For example "I remember the Blue Mountainairs – whatever happened to them?", "we came so close to beating the Clippers that year", "wow, we've come a long way since our first contest in Canberra", "we've been amazingly consistent for the last 20 years", "what is it about Melbourne? – the top 3 are only ever separated by one point!"
One final remark is it might spark interest from the data hoarders amongst us. There is a certain amount of missing information on the BHA web site (mentioned in the article) and I'm hoping people might search through their records to recover some of that information. In particular many of the earlier regional contests are not on the web site, and I'm sure there are score sheets sitting in filing cabinets around the country. Also it might transpire that some numerate members will emerge who can help with the digitisation and archiving of this material. This is the "real story": somebody has digitised those contest results so that they can be presented in various and interesting ways. This particular article simply shows two of those ways.
Nick Ellis
Figure 1
Overall percentage contest score for each chorus for all years since 1993. Each chorus is represented by a unique colour/line/symbol combination as given in the legend at bottom. Choruses in the same region have the same colour as given in legend in top left. The larger the chorus (number of singers on risers) the larger the symbol (legend near bottom right). Convention venue is shown along the top.
Figure 2
Chorus sizes at each convention since 1993. Each dot represents a chorus, with large choruses to the right and small to the left (refer to horizontal scale). As in Figure 1 the colour represents the region. The dots have been randomly jittered vertically so you can distinguish them.
Notes on chorus names
Bayside Harmony used to compete as Bayside Barbershop Singers up to 2009; Penrith City Harmony used to compete as Riverland Ramblers up to 2001; Deep South were originally the Wellingtones up to 2005; the Blenders were originally the Banana Blenders up to 2003; Soundwaves used to compete as the Central Coast Barbershop Chorus until 2003 and as Coastal Har-men-y in 1995 (and originally in 1991 as Gosford City Barbershop Chorus); Sydneysiders Express formed in 2000 as the merger of the Sydneysiders (crosses) and Harmony Express (plus signs); Sydney Harmony formed in 1998 as the merger of Harbour City Harmony (triangles) and Broadway (diamond). The current Festival Statesmen were formerly the Festival Statesmen Youth Chorus. As far as I know this chorus is different from the original Festival Statesmen who last competed in 2001.
*There was a chorus contest in 1991, which Men In Harmony won, but the scores have been lost.
**In 1995 the sizes weren’t recorded, so in Figure 1 all choruses are annotated as small that year.
Sunshine Region News
In our organisation across Australia and internationally, there are many talented musicians with various degrees in music, who make this a wonderful association to be involved in. The Sunshine Region is pleased to acknowledge, and congratulate, a new addition to those numbers. Jono Albertini has now joined the ranks with a music degree to his name.
Shane Graham
Sunshine Region Chair.
Letter to the Editor - Calling all blood doners
Dear Fellow Barbershoppers,
As a 24 year member of BHA (and AAMBS), I know many of you personally but for everyone else, you may know me as a former National Vice President and as an MC of many National and Regional events over the years.
I am addressing this letter to all of you in the hope that I can persuade you to give generously to a cause that has become very dear to my heart. The giving generously I speak of does not involve the giving of any money but only the giving of about 1 hour of your time and one other important commodity that you possess….your blood!
For the past 15 months, I have become transfusion dependent, requiring blood transfusions every two weeks. As a result, I am constantly reminded of the great gift I continue to receive as the result of the generosity of people’s willingness to give a donation of their blood and decided that I needed to do all that I can to help promote this vital and important aspect of our National Health Care that doesn’t seem to receive the publicity that it deserves.
I’m sure that many of you are already blood doners and to those, I am so very grateful. To all the rest, may I encourage you to consider this wonderful, gift giving, donation that will be used 100 per cent for the benefit of it’s recipients and that no administration fees or other deductions will be taken off the top and that it will ultimately be used as a life saver for thousands of Australians.
It is my hope that I can send this message out to as many people as I possibly can so I would urge you to not only consider your own donation but to also relay this message to all of your family and friends.
Thank you all for allowing me the opportunity to bring this issue to your attention.
Yours in harmony,
Bob Fritz
Welcome to our new members
Ron | Burns | Sunshine Coast Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Roly | Cox | High Altitude Harmony Inc |
Roger | Woodman | High Altitude Harmony Inc |
Denis | Hawes | High Altitude Harmony Inc |
Peter | Compston | Riverland Ramblers Mens Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Ruben | Alcantara | Riverland Ramblers Mens Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Eric | von Nida | High Altitude Harmony Inc |
David | Lee | Hobart Men's Barbershop Harmony Club Inc |
Sandy | Burns | Barbershop Harmony Club Of Canberra Inc |
James | Wanjura | Barbershop Harmony Club Of Canberra Inc |
Mike | Immer | Vox Canvas Club |
Joel | Gibson | Vox Canvas Club |
Dan | Karkoszka | Hobart Men's Barbershop Harmony Club Inc |
Blair | Girle | Sunshine Coast Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Cliff | Bray | Hobart Men's Barbershop Harmony Club Inc |
Kevin | Roberts | Hobart Men's Barbershop Harmony Club Inc |
Keith | Lello | Hobart Men's Barbershop Harmony Club Inc |
David | Lang | Vox Canvas Club |
Tom | Boyle | Gold Coast Barbershop Harmony Club Inc |
Tam | Le-Vo | Gold Coast Barbershop Harmony Club Inc |
Gunnar | Stahlman | Gold Coast Barbershop Harmony Club Inc |
Warren | Lewis | Newcastle Harmony Club |
Matt | Waples | Vox Canvas Club |
Paul | Burckhardt | Gold Coast Barbershop Harmony Club Inc |
Daniel | Keogh | Vox Canvas Club |
Ray | Dalton | Hills Harmony Chorus Incorporated |
David | Wotherspoon | Vox Canvas Club |
Edward | Thornton | Adelaide Allsorts Harmony Inc. |
Jamie | Ramzan | Adelaide Allsorts Harmony Inc. |
Judy | Pimlott | Adelaide Allsorts Harmony Inc. |
Alan | Atkinson | Adelaide Allsorts Harmony Inc. |
Matt | Chung | The Baden Street Singers Inc |
Rachael | Laing | The Baden Street Singers Inc |
Alice | McCloskey | The Baden Street Singers Inc |
John | Grennan | The Melbournaires Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Sunshine Region News
“The Sunshine Region held its annual “convention” at the SunPAC Centre in Brisbane on the 28th April, hosted by “The Clippers” chorus. The format of the day, after a bit of hair pulling, was a success. We undertook a change to the traditional way of things and held the chorus event first in the morning followed by the quartets after morning tea. This enabled the quartets to warm up for the qualifications and also ensured we had a good audience to cheer them on. We also were entertained by a number of our lady choruses on the day who were invited to be part of the competition. This gave them an opportunity to perform their competition songs in front of an appreciative audience, prior to their national event in Hobart in May. A few of our MD’s were on their toes as they not only directed the men but also the ladies so there was some quick running around the loop and some serious planning to make it all happen.
A coaching session was held on the Sunday at Ipswich hosted by Minor Chords with our 3 judges and our CA taking the reins during the morning sessions.
All in all, the format of the days program worked well. As our region is wide spread, many of our men travelled a fair distance to attend and their efforts to see it through were appreciated.
Our regional event for 2019 will be hosted by High Altitude Harmony in Toowoomba so mark the last weekend in April 2019 as "attending SR regionals".
In Harmony
Shane Graham
SR Chair.
Hills Harmony
Hills Happenings
We are very pleased with the outcome of our “A Cappella for Fellas” course. It has given us five new members keen to begin their Barbershop careers and we are very happy to have them aboard.
We have had input into our education from Vicki Dwyer and Rob Sequeira
Peter Donald does a great job as our MD and we are delighted with our, improvement as singers over the past year. Recently, thanks to a BHA initiative, we have had rehearsal visits from Vicki Dwyer, MD of Sydney Harmony and Rob Sequeira from Vox Canvas. It was great to be coached by such experienced barbershop practitioners who saw our performances from a fresh point of view. We thank them for their perceptions and expertise so freely given. They showed us things we can work on to improve our singing and perhaps more importantly, reinforced what we are doing well, increasing our confidence and enjoyment.
We have three quartets who have qualified for the National competition but are still unsure if we can have enough members in Adelaide to perform as a chorus. A work in progress.
Our local council has finished one of its “works in progress”. It has recently refurbished a 350 seat performance space in the local community centre called the Pioneer Theatre and were looking for local groups to use it. Hills Harmony has applied to use it for a spectacular a cappella concert later in the year. We just need the decision to go our way and we will have a new purpose built space for our performances.
Paul Meller
VP Marketing
Letter to the Editor - Another Poem from Andrew Wright
The Long, Long Path to Barbershop Success
Poem Covering a Lifetime of Music Involvement – By Andrew Wright © 2018
1. I’ve sung in lots of choirs over many, many years
And I’ve been on stage in musicals as well
’ve played the violin and I have played piano too
ut here’s something rather special – let me tell
2. Way back in 1965 when I was still at school
got together with some friends to sing
We tried to sing in harmony but we didn’t sound too good
And the chords we made just didn’t seem to ring
3. We thought we had a talent we could offer to the world
But the music we produced was rather bland
So, instead of singing harmony we chose another route
And we formed a rather hopeful skiffle band
4. At this stage in my music life I didn’t have the skills
To play guitar like all my friends intended
So, I was chosen as the front-man singing all the songs
And this is why our skiffle era ended…!
5. Our next attempt was R & B so popular at the time
But the gigs we played would drive the mosh-pit mad
It was said by many out the front that we should all retire
And that the R was short for RUBBISH and the B was short for BAD
6. Well, faint heart ne’er a maiden won and we would not give up
So, we turned our skills to another type - called ‘Rock’
We grew our hair and learnt to play with the amp turned up to max
And woke up all the neighbours round the block
7. Once again success came slow, in-fact it didn’t come at all
Since we only had eleven gigs or so
But ten of those were cancelled ‘cos the tickets wouldn’t sell
At the other, I was sick and couldn’t go
8. So much for rock and roll we thought we must try something else
So, we formed a rather splendid String Quartet
I could play the violin a bit so I stood at the front
And we played the works of Mozart and Bee-zet (Ahem..!))
9. Now after several practices we thought that we were ready
To come before an audience or two
But when they heard us play the works of Bach and Paganini
They thought that we were strangling cats – it’s true...!
10. Where do we go from here I mused, our spirits falling low?
There must be some new target I can set us
So, how about we play some Jazz – now there’s a great idea
But perhaps our feeble talents wouldn’t let us
11. We practised Louis Armstrong songs but found them rather gruff
And Gillespie left us feeling somewhat ‘Dizzy’
Thelonious Monk just gave us boys a lot of awful habits
And Count Basie’s music put us in a tizzy
12. Fats Waller was a pianist that we tried so hard to mimic
But the way he played was quite beyond our skill
So, we learned to play a tune or two by Ellington, the Duke
But this left our audience feeling rather ill…!
13. It’s clear that I could not expect to reach the heights of fame
In R & B or Rock or in the Jazz-scene
Our String Quartet and Skiffle Groups were total failures too
And I thought that I would be the all-time has-been.
14. My friends and I agreed that we should have another go
But, I needed to put on my thinking cap
I sat for hours wondering just what we ought to do
And then suddenly it came to me – it’s Rap
15. I have a knack for rhyming verse so
I was asked to write The lyrics for our venture down this path
I really hoped the words I wrote would bring us wealth and fame
As long as all our listeners didn’t laugh...!
16. My friends were lined up on the stage, a-strumming their guitars
And our drummer played his kit so very loud
Then out the front with hands held high and fingers stretched out wide
These words are what I offered to the crowd….. Rap Style
17. Oh Yeah, Oh Yeah. My darling gal I got some words for yo
I ‘spose you want anuvver guy, ‘cos I’s no use to yo
I gives yo weed I gives yo speed I gives you all my bread
Then when I comes home for my tea I finds youse off your head
I works so hard at centrelink, a-standing in the queue
I do this twice a week yo know – I does it just for yo
My luv for yo it knows no bounds it is so very strong
I’ll stay with you for ever ‘til a new gal comes along….Oh Yeah!
18. I thought that we had made it as the crowd stood up as one
As they seemed to like the style of my review
But when the rotten fruit began to rain down on the stage I knew I had to think of something new.
19. Perhaps we should step back a bit – consider where to go
We hadn’t tried our singing style for years
Perchance, we’ve come a long, long way since singing back at school
Performing to our most ungrateful peers
20. So, we formed an a cappella group of four lads, good and true
And we called ourselves ‘The Barbershop Elite’
We practised once a week or so for more than half an hour
Then we took our music out into the street
21. The crowds were staggered by the sound that we four lads produced
And we entertained these folk with songs divine
We sang the Polecats, perfectly, each one in several keys
And we finished with the song “Sweet Adeline”
22. So now our destiny was set, no more we’d need to seek
The style of music that would make us great
We’d simply sing in Barbershop and join a chorus too
And get involved before it was too late
23. So, we joined a chorus way down south, in Melbourne to be sure
And we found that we were welcomed without fuss
Our average age was 22 but that was so refreshing
Since the average of the rest was 60 plus
24. At last we’d found our destiny – in singing Barbershop
And we’d never felt so happy and complete
So, if you ever think that you have taken the wrong turn
Just think of me and the ‘Barbershop Elite‘
25. The joy of singing Barbershop can never be compared
With Blues or Jazz or a simple String Quartet
Nor Rock nor Reggae, Skiffle, Rap not even big Brass Bands
‘Cos Barbershop’s as good as it can get
A L Wright © March 2018
Vox Canvas
Vox Canvas Album-launch Concert
Vox Canvas has recorded our first album titled: Happy
We are hosting a CD launch concert as a fundraiser to help us attend the Barbershop Harmony Australia National Competition in Adelaide.
- Friday June 22,
- Alexandria Town Hall, Alexandria, NSW
- Doors open 6:30pm.
- Show starts 7pm.
“Happy” is the debut album by Vox Canvas, with bonus track: Happy by Pharrell Williams
There will be performances by Vox Canvas, The Macabellas from Macquarie University, Helix – Barbershop Quartet from Vox Canvas and other guests.
There will be baked goods, food and alcohol for sale during the night.
CDs will be on sale, and there will be a raffle!
We have a facebook event set up – feel free to invite friends and follow updates, photos and videos by clicking “attending” on the event.
Thanks for the support!
Ben G. from Vox Canvas
High Altitude Harmony
Well Sunshine Regionals are but a distant memory for us now. We competed in the Open Chorus division and came a creditable third, being beaten by The Blenders and The Blenders Youth Chorus. If only they would move to NSW.
Winter is upon us again in SE Queensland but, it hasn’t dampened the enthusiasm of our members. A couple of weeks ago we had a 100% attendance. The smiles on the faces of our MD’s was certainly broad.
Some time ago Mike Ludwig was spending a weekend at Esk, a lovely little village some 90 minutes away in the Brisbane Valley. He noticed a polo shirt with an interesting logo on a lady and stopped to chat. It turns out she is a member of the Esk Community Choir. One thing led to another and we now have four of their male members coming up to rehearse with us pretty regularly. It just needs a keen eye and a bit of a chat and you don’t know where it will end.
Our Music VP, Grant van Heerden has worked extremely hard with some of our other mates to get learning tracks up for us to work on new material. All his hard work is paying off as we are as good as ‘music down’ on our latest song in only three weeks!
HAH is looking to join the Ballina Headliners on their home turf in October to wow the Ballina locals and they are coming up to see us in August for our annual concert series. Both events promise to be great fun.
As usual, we endeavour to entertain and educate anyone who is interested in our artform by posting clips and other stuff on our Facebook page. If you aren’t a regular viewer, have a look and see what we enjoy. We are positive you will. Plus, we are always updating our web-site Check it out!
Paddy Boxall
The recent BHA Vic Region Contest was a successful and entertaining day thanks to the regional President, our own Rob Lee and his hardworking team of helpers. Successful because four of our quartets were medal winners with our mixed quartet Skeeters, being the first to qualify with a score over 70%. The other medal winners were Sound Investment in the open comp, and Harmonic Motion in the Seniors comp. Other quartets scored mid to high 60’s, and with the positive and useful judges’ comments still ringing in their ears, they have more than enough information to improve their performances.
The Melbournaires have performed a number of times for the Manningham City Council, welcoming new Australians into the local community. Last month we were officially recognised for this work, securing a nomination in the category of Community Service. Although not winning the award, the presentation of a framed certificate from the local mayor in front of a very large and enthusiastic audience. An information package of the Melbournaires delivered by the MC, a long-time radio personality who professed his love of barbershop music. This gave us tremendous publicity, not only for the Melbournaires, but to Barbershop in general. Our thanks to Charles Dougall who heads up our events programme and who was instrumental in achieving this outcome.
As with most choruses, the Melbournaires are one big happy family, and the passing of any member leaves a very sad note within the chorus. We recently had the misfortune to lose a well-respected and valued member in Tony Hughes.
Tony was known for his musical knowledge and ability, as well as his rather forthright penchant for highlighting to the chorus or group or single member a wrong note. Coming from a musical family and gaining his Batchelor of Music degree at Melbourne University Conservatorium, he was in a strong position to do so, no matter how disconcerting to the target.
Tony taught music education at Deakin University where he also started DUO, which was the Deakin University Orchestra. Having played the trombone since the age of 10, it was here that he perfected his knowledge of all brass and woodwind instruments, and could play them all. He was composer, arranger, and conductor for many years, and before retiring from Deakin, he finished his Masters Degree in Music Composition. Tony’s music and family were the lights of his life, and while we mourn the loss of an enthusiastic and well-liked decent bloke, we send our condolences and best wishes to his family.
Terry Phillips
Meet our new Members
We have a record number of new members who joined us over the last couple of months. Make sure to say Hi and welcome to the Barbershop fraternity if you come across them anytime.
Letter to the Editor - The Origins of Barbershop
Another Barbershop Poem by Andrew Wright
1. I’ve now been singing Barbershop for more than 50 years And treasure all the time I’ve spent whilst singing with my peers I thought I knew the origins of this most amazing genre But recent studies done by me must now be thrust uponya.
2. We all agree that Barbershop is very, very old Around the 1860’s is the starting point we’re told It’s said that men would stand around and sing in harmony Whilst waiting for a haircut in Des Moines or Tennessee
3. Americans from every state have claimed the sound, it seems But I have done some digging that will shatter all these dreams I don’t believe this art of ours began with cutting hairs It’s come to light that other folk believe the style is theirs…
4. It all begins south of the States in a country called Bolivia It’s absolutely beautiful – but I wouldn’t want to live ‘ere It’s a land of grandiose mountains with caves all full of bats Where menfolk wear the ponchos and woman – funny hats
5. These friendly folk have simple lives, surviving day to day Tending sheep and ploughing fields and gathering the hay They’ve rugged features, muscles and moustaches to be sure And the menfolk also have these looks – or maybe even more...!
6. But I digress and the time has come to prove my point to you It all starts with a shepherdess dancing in the mountain dew Her name was Barbara Sanchez and she loved to dance all day And she really didn’t worry if the sheep all ran away
7. When she came home each evening she would have a bite to eat Then off she’d go to Pedro’s Bar – the local men to meet They’d sing to her and play guitars and only then, perhaps She’d swirl a great flamenco and then dance upon their laps
8. One day whilst in the mountains she was dancing in the rain When from the bush a wolf ran out and caused horrific pain It bit her leg off at the knee then took off with his prize He was rather disappointed ‘cos he was aiming for her thighs...!
9. Now Barbara was extremely brave and crawled back to her hut Her mother nursed her back to health after stitching up the cut “You’ll never dance again, my Dear”, her mother sadly sighed But Barbara had another view, “Oh, yes I will” she cried…
10. She practised every single day – dancing on one leg She vowed to earn a living and was never going to beg When Barbara was quite ready, off to Pedro’s Bar she pranced The menfolk cheered her good and loud as she began to dance
11. Pedro and the other guys could not believe this sight The shepherdess danced beautifully, so daintily and light They all agreed this lovely lass was once more at the top What do you call this dance they asked – she answered, “Barbara’s Hop”
12. Well, straight away four men began to sing in harmony The chords they sang were wonderful and rang so beautifully The village folk all gathered round as close as they could get To hear the sound that wafted from the “Barbara’s Hop Quartet”
13. Now language is a funny thing and words can get distorted And as their style preceded them their fame was somewhat thwarted From Bolivia to the USA the famous “Barbara’s Hop” Became corrupted quickly into simple “Barbershop”
14. So now the truth has come to light - no bragging rights remain And when you hear a quartet sing some wonderful refrain Just remember Barbara, the one-legged shepherdess Who started this great art of ours – but now I must confess…
15. The information in this rhyme may not be quite exact I’ve used artistic licence here to modify each fact So, let me say, “I’m sorry”’ if you think my views are twisted And I’m sure there’s info on the web where the truth has all been listed
16. I hope you have enjoyed this tale, which I have writ in jest And although the rhymes and meter may not be quite my best I’ve tried to give some food for thought with these unusual views And just like Mister Trump would say, “I think it’s all ‘Fake News’
ALW © 2018
Welcome to our New Members
Welcome to our Newest members who have joined our great organisation since the last newsletterDon | Baills | High Altitude Harmony Inc. |
Jed | McDonald | Adelaide Allsorts Inc |
Katinga | schroeder | Club at Large |
John | Aldersley | Central Coast Barbershop Chorus |
Colin | Daley | Central Coast Barbershop Chorus |
Michael | Mc Phee | Central Coast Barbershop Chorus |
David | Mowday | Central Coast Barbershop Chorus |
Cassandra | Attwood | South Central Harmony Inc |
Fiona | Mann | Club at Large |
Nicholas | Jones | South Central Harmony Inc |
Rowan | Dennis | South Central Harmony Inc |
Tim | Bartel | Club at Large |
Jono | Astbury | The Baden Street Singers Inc |
Louise | Bell | The Baden Street Singers Inc |
Cam | Butler | The Baden Street Singers Inc |
Jana | Buvari | The Baden Street Singers Inc |
Stella | De Oliveira | The Baden Street Singers Inc |
Ashley | Dunne | The Baden Street Singers Inc |
Stacey | Gobey | The Baden Street Singers Inc |
Tiff | Ha | The Baden Street Singers Inc |
Sally | McMaster | The Baden Street Singers Inc |
Welcome to our New Members
Welcome to our newest member.
Anthony | Little | Festival States-men Inc |
Ryan | Smith | Festival States-men Inc |
Philip | Satchell | Newcastle Harmony Club |
BHA Membership
We have some new initiatives planned for 2018 to support the engagement of the wider Barbershop membership with the future of our wonderful organisation.
More information will flow over the coming months but here is a snap shot of the key initiatives:
Enhancing the profile of the Club Member of the Year, Club of the Year and the BHA Medal that was launched last year and awarded to Mr Mike Donnelly. Our members and clubs are the foundation of our association and so many do amazing things in support of their community, clubs and the wider BHA family. The current awards are intended celebrate and acknowledge those members but variability in timing and lack of clarity in criteria makes it difficult to give these awards the national prominence they deserve. Our task is to work with clubs to improve this recognition framework and enhance the acknowledgement of those exceptional contributors.
Understanding our members and gaining feedback on our future direction is critical to enhancing our position within Australian harmony. A major survey has been designed to explore the views of members, clubs and regions and inform the strategies for Barbershop within Australia. We anticipate this being the first of an increased emphasis on understanding wider views of our members.
The piloting of the “Membership Advisory Council” to engage more deeply in matters that affect regions, clubs and clubs, to explore in greater depth critical issues from a local perspective, to share knowledge across Australia, and to input into the National Council deliberations and decision-making process.
More details will be provided in the coming months and we look forward to working with you in the advancement of Barbershop within Australia.
Paul Adams
VP – Membership
Call for entries to a new Talent Show
Subject: All together now
We would be thrilled if your group or members would consider applying. If you are interested I have attached a flyer with all the relevant information.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me.
Thanks for your time.
Tel (02) 8587 1184
Find us: electronic mail, including any attachments, is intended for the addressee only and may contain information that is either confidential or subject to legal professional privilege. Unauthorised reproduction, use or disclosure of the contents of this mail is prohibited. If you have received this mail in error, please delete it from your system immediately and notify Endemol Shine Australia by contacting us at
Sunshine Region News
Adelaide Allsorts
The Adelaide Allsorts Harmony Chorus will be representing Australia in the inaugural Barbershop World Mixed Chorus Competition in Munich, Germany from 6th to 8th April 2018.
“We are thrilled to have the honour of representing our country at this competition and we are working very hard to do our great country proud”, says Chorus Director, Sarah Bradley. “Competition from seven other mixed choruses from Germany, the UK, Canada and Ireland is sure to be fierce but in good spirit. We are furiously fundraising and are aiming to raise $30,000 to assist us to compete. Fundraising has included a successful Murder Mystery night with some 60 people in attendance and an Irish Night with a similar number.” Sarah said.
“We were also busy prior to Christmas with eight community carols or singouts events, including two spots in Adelaide’s central Victoria Square under its famous Christmas tree.”
The Adelaide Allsorts was nominated for the competition by BHA and has been accepted by the organisers, Barbershop in Germany (BinG!).
For further details contact
David Perry
Mob: 0421 469 272
Letter to the Editor - The Barbershop Chorus - A Poem

The joy of singing barbershop can never be denied
Except by those who have to listen - often from the side
Of course, our wives and partners will support us to the end
But maybe that’s because they simply want to be our friend...!
Let’s face it, folks, the songs we sing aren’t loved by everyone
But when we get together for rehearsals we have fun
The cricket and the footy and the golf will be discussed
And finally, we’ll start to sing but only if we must...!
The MD always stands out front and quietly leads the team
And forces us through exercises just to help us breath
We’ll sing some tags and other tunes designed to make us blend
But the chords we make are often rather tuneless in the end.
Of course, we all improve our parts by practising each night
So that basses, leads and baritones can get the notes quite right
The tenors, never have a problem – perfection is their aim
And squealing in falsetto is such a simple a game.
It may surprise you all out there that tenor’s what I sing
And with my colleagues we’re the ones who make the chords all ring
The basses, leads and baritones they really try so hard
But it’s obvious to everyone they’ve drawn the lowest card.
When practising at home I put in many, many hours
But my wife hides in the lounge room where she blocks her ears and cowers
Last week she said the song I’d sung – I’d really got off-pat
I didn’t like to tell her that I’d just stood on the cat.
A special word about the basses must be introduced
If nothing else their sense of worth and value needs a boost
Without the bass-line, all our songs would lack the music tonic
And the basses will provide this - even though they’re all moronic.
Of course, I jest, and please forgive my rudeness and bad humour
The poor standard of the basses is just a silly rumour
Without the basses other parts would simply be bare-bones
Which brings me to the obvious – let’s tease baritones…!
It's no fun as a Baritone when singing in the choir,
The leads get all the tuneful bits that people most admire,
The basses boom like big trombones, the tenors squeal with glee,
But Baris only get two notes, or if they’re lucky, three.
When Baris sing a sacred song, which lifts their hearts in praise
The others get the juicy bits and each harmonious phrase.
Of course, the leads will sing the tune - they always come off best
While Baris only get three notes then twenty-two bars rest.
It doesn't matter what they sing, from ballads or up-tune,
The MD always picks on them – “You’ve come in far too soon...!
Too high! Too low! Too fast! Too slow! You held that note too long!”
It doesn't matter what they do, it's certain to be wrong.
Oh! Shed a tear for Baritones: they’re martyrs and they know
In ranks of chorus singers they're considered rather low.
They are so very humble that a lot of folk forget 'em:
They'd love to sing with tenors but their vocal chords won't let 'em.
So, when the final chord is due the Baris take a stand,
With Leads and Tenors, Basses too, will form the heavenly band.
And when they sing the final Tag to some enchanting song,
The Baris in the choruses will never get it wrong….!
I haven’t finished yet because the leads still need a mention
They bring brightness to our music even though they’re on the pension
The melody flows from them all - in sounds so rich and clear
But sometimes you’d think most of them had been out on the beer.
The leads are needed desperately to keep the song in pitch
But as they slide we’ll find ourselves all singing in a ditch
However, if the song is long the leads don’t need to moan
The final tag will surely be within their comfort zone...!
Once again, excuse me, please, for being so darned rude
I only joke and jest like this ‘cos I’m a naughty dude
I’m really sure that humour is the thing that makes us tick
And singing with a chorus give us all a mighty kick.
Our Choruses exists because of many loyal friends
And the members who give so much time for organised events
Our wives and partners, friends & mates who give us their support
And help us with so many things without a second thought.
So, in conclusion let us thank the people in the wings
Who give their time anonymously for every guy who sings
The supper crew, the riser guys and folk from low to top
Without them I can surely state – there’d be no Barbershop.
© A L Wright 2017-2018
The Melbournaires have done a couple of interesting gigs within the last month. "Paint the Town Red" was an afternoon of music and song on Sunday November 26th. Apart from The Melbournaires Chorus, this fund-raising concert was enhanced by the fabulous ladies of the Melbourne Chorus.
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This musical feast to remember also included several quartets, ladies, men's, and mixed, and provided a very enthusiastic audience with a spectacular afternoon of barbershop at its best.
This month we enjoyed a gig we hadn't played for a year, at the Paramount Food
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Hall in Melbourne. It is different in that the chorus members perform on the stairs leading down to the food hall at midday, which normally means competing with the noise of knives and forks scratching around for snippets of various kinds of cuisine, and diners trying to hold conversations with table-mates over noisy eaters. Of course the Asian section is much quieter; how much din can two plastic chopsticks make? In fact, this year the diners were far more responsive to the singing, and both they and the chorus enjoyed a number of Christmas carols as well as many other songs from the extensive repertoire. As Ian was unavailable due to work commitments, thanks to David for being MD on the day.
The Melbournaires would like to extend to all barbershoppers their best wishes for an amazing Christmas, and a happy and healthy New Year.
Terry Phillips.
Letter to the Editor
My name is Andrew Wright and I sing tenor with the Melbournaires Harmony Chorus. After a show in the last week of November, I had a nasty fall in which I broke my hip. Whilst incapacitated I wrote a poem about my experience. I attended rehearsal last night and I read this poem to the chorus and they suggested that you may like to include it the magazine.I'm not sure if it's appropriate for the magazine - the decision is entirely yours but if not then I hope you can at least enjoy the story yourself.
(Hi Andrew, Very clever and amusing Ed.)
The Hipster – A Tale of Woe
The Melbournaires and Adelines had sung their final tune
The concert had gone very well and we all felt some elation
And the audience was standing for our 17th ovation.
The curtain closed for the very last time and we filed off - stage right
A short walk to the dressing room, then home for Sunday night
I skipped along beside my pals in my usual bouncy way
And in the afterglow of a show well done I really felt quite gay
The trip back to the dressing room was very nearly ended
But a set of seven concrete steps had first to be ascended
I usually like to hold the rail when climbing up the stairs
But surrounded by so many chaps I didn't have such cares
We all went up the steps as one laughing on our way
Not realising in the least the price I soon would pay
For as I reached the final step my toe caught on the lip
And it seemed to me that time stood still as I began to trip
I floated through the air just like a sparrow on the wing
But landed on the ground more like an elephantine thing
The concrete wasn't very soft as I knew it wouldn't be
But it felt a darn sight harder when Doug Moody fell on me
Another person tripped on Doug, I don't know who it was
But all this weight on top of me was making me quite cross
I felt no pain immediately - just my dignity was damaged
But as people rushed to help me up the pain I felt was savage
I leant against a metal post feeling somewhat vexed
Whilst all around me folk were asking "What shall we do next?"
"Call an Ambo" someone cried, "No, No." My wife replied
"Take him to our motor car, it's parked just down the side
"If you can get him in the car I'll set off straight away
And if we move him just the once, we'll minimise the pain
I'll take him to the hospital which is not far from our place
I'll be able to visit frequently and avoid the rush-hour race
Now if we leave immediately I can have him there by four
And if I don't drive fast enough - well the morgue is just next door"
So with this plan all set in place I did feel some relief
But when they tried to help me walk I had to grit my teeth
John Howell was standing on my left, Will Hessler on my right
But there seemed to be a problem with the differences in height
With Johnny Howell at five foot one and Will at eight foot three
My right foot didn't reach the ground and the left side scraped my knee
A chair was brought and I sat down - this gave me some respite
And the plan was altered yet again to overcome my plight
That nice chap Michael Williamson accompanied by Will
Decided they could carry the chair if I would sit quite still
Since I am just a little chap weighing only sixty K
This seemed to be a clever plan which would get me on my way
With quite a lot of effort they heaved me from the ground
And strutted forth towards my car without the slightest sound
It was only 20 metres or maybe 30 to the car
And to me just floating in the air it didn't seem too far
The veins around their necks stood out their faces turned bright red
You'd think that little Andrew Wright was really made of lead
In record breaking time they finally got me to the car
Stopping only 14 times to take some R & R
With patient care and gentleness they placed me in my Honda
I thanked them for their kindness as my mind began to wander
I thought, 'The party's on tomorrow night and I'm in terrible pain
But if I take some Panadol I should be right as rain'
"We'll soon be off", my wife said as she came to close the door
"But you'd surely be more comfortable leaning back a little more"
She pulled the lever on the seat, I fell back at full pelt
The pain that then shot through me was the worst I'd ever felt
The screams and squeals of agony which then came from my mouth
Were heard at Seymour in the north and Frankston in the south
“So sorry, my Dear", she calmly said as my face turned ghostly grey
"I'll just do up your seat belt and we'll then be on our way"
So off we went to hospital to analyse my folly
Where my step sons helped me from the car and placed me on a trolley
After 13 analgesic shots the pain would not retreat
And the x-ray showed quite clearly I could not stand on my feet
"Bad news", the surgeon said to me, "You've smashed your hip in two
But we can fix you up quite soon 'cos we know what to do
We'll make a small incision in your leg - a metre long or so
Then with a cleaver and a meat-saw deep inside we'll go
We’ll chisel out the broken bits and fix you up quick-smart
And use some pure titanium to replace the damaged part
Then all we have to do is stitch the fleshy bits back together
We need to use some fencing wire or maybe thongs of leather
We’ll have to stitch you up real good so the bones don’t flop about
Then cover the wound with ducting tape to stop bits falling out”
I felt such comfort deep inside as these kind words he spoke
It’s clear this noted surgeon was a sentimental bloke
True to his word I had the op the very next afternoon
The pain reduced by more than half - to me this was a boon
A few days in the general ward and I was fit to leave
But walking with a Zimmer frame was all I could achieve
Then with some physiotherapy and some wifely TLC
I started to improve at home with my laptop and TV
Some of you came to my home to sing a song or two
It's nice to know that people care when one is feeling blue
I've had the time to write this tale in verse - as you can tell
And I've started writing a country song that's bound to go down well
There's no doubt in my mind that this new song will be a hit
And the title of this masterpiece - "My Achey Breaky Hip"
It's time to wind this story up but just before I do
There's one more thing I'd like to say to warn the folks like you
It's very clear that singing in a chorus is great fun
But I must implore you not to do the silly thing I've done
To finish now I have to say I never would have thought
That singing with the Melbournaires was such a dangerous sport.
ALW (C) Dec 2017
Welcome to our newest members
Welcome to all our new members who have joined us since our last Newsletter.
Thanks and have a great Christmas
Dick Bushell - Newsletter Editor
Brisbane River City Clippers
The Clippers presented their annual Clippers and Friends concert at St Laurence’s College on Sunday 22 October. The concert was a resounding success with the auditorium filled almost to capacity. Many thanks to the supporting acts: Sweet Adelines’ chorus, Redland Rhapsody, the Villanova College Stage Band, Three Squirrels and a Nut, Benchmark, and the Vic Kena Duo.
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The Clippers also had the pleasure of singing Christmas carols at three recent events, Morningside Carols in the Park, Greenmeadow Court Supported Accommodation and a visit to the Mater Hospital in South Brisbane. All three events were well-received by the public and we look forward to returning to perform again in 2018.
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Following on from the success of the Clippers quartet “Three Squirrels and a Nut”, a second Clippers quartet has formed, going by the name the “Five Young Cannibals”. The “Cannibals” were privileged to perform their first public performance in South Brisbane at local musician and drum teacher, Steve Powell’s: “Student Drum Concert”. The “Cannibals” were joined on stage for a few songs by some of Steve Powell’s students, creating a great musical community atmosphere.
The Clippers look forward to 2018, where we will host the regional competition in April at the new Sunnybank Performing Arts Centre. The event aims to showcase the depth of talent in the region, leading to the Adelaide convention in September 2018.
Chorus members wish everyone in the fraternity all the best for the coming festive season and a successful 2018.
Steven Deans
River City Clippers
Executive Committee Member
High Altitude Harmony
Poor old Dick Bushell. The wheels have fallen of the email trail and because we are all lazy sods I bet hardly anyone of us thought to put the second 15th of the month in our diaries as the cut-off date for In Harmony. I know I didn’t.
HAH has had a busy lead-up to Christmas with us singing at venues all over town and just beyond. Our opening Christmas sing-out is always for the Toowoomba Hospice. We jointly entertain the crowd in conjunction with the Toowoomba Municipal Band and it is always enjoyable. Sadly, we know that the majority of the people at the Hospice are there because they have had a loved one enter eternal life just behind where we entertain. We also sang at the Oakey Christmas Mardi Gras, the Uniting Church Christmas Tree Festival, the Lions Club Christmas Lights extravaganza and other venues.
One highlight was a Sunday afternoon in beautiful Queens Park where we entertained members of the Down Syndrome Support Group. And another was singing to patients and staff at St Vincents Hospital.
We have now entered our stand-down period and will gear up in the middle of January for entertaining at Australia Day celebrations.
2018 will see us commencing our tenth year since becoming a chorus and we are going to embark on a big recruitment drive and also commence the planning for a reunion of all past and present choristers and supporters, friends and general hanger-onners in October.
From all of us at HAH to all of the barbershop family…a beaut Christmas and an Awesome New Year.
And don’t forget. You can always catch up with HAH on Facebook. We are constantly putting up interesting music clips and other trendy stuff for your enjoyment. And visit us on our web-site
Paddy Boxall - Secretary
Misty Mountain Moonshiners
We have been working hard with the recruits since our membership drive and instructions from a knowledgeable coach is invaluable for their development. Firstly, BHA generously funded flights for Richard Reeve to come up here and run a workshop for our diminished chorus and some of our new recruits. We have had a very exciting couple of weeks of workshops and performances.
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- The Sunshine region for paying the airfares, Apex Dental Laboratory for the hire car
- The Netting Company for fuel cost
- Friends of Steve Griffin for accommodating the quartet at Tinaroo.
- Shane had to put up with me for the weekend.
- The volunteers who run "Tablelands Music Lovers, The ORB", where we held our concert, were very obliging with their assistance and we thank them very much.
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In the afternoon we checked the venue and set up for the concert that night. The concert of course was the highlight of the weekend. Our quartet also formed a small chorus with the bulk of our recruits and sang five songs during the evening. The local "Hotshots Big Band" provided some great music and of course "Escapade" thrilled the crowd with their performance and Shane acted as Emcee. We even attracted another recruit at the concert. A budding tenor!
Saturday saw us with another workshop. The skills of our instructors certainly lifted the aspirations of all our members to greater heights. I hope we can manage to attend the next regional competition with our new found talent. The whole exercise was very worthwhile to promote barbershop singing. There are some interested persons who may even try to start a group in Cairns. I hope so!
In Harmony,
Graham Morrow.
The Blenders - Loving Sydney
We came, we sang and we had an awesome time getting together with all you barbershop friends new and old. More than a few of our members and friends have remarked that it was the most fun they have had at a convention. We pay respect to our music team leadership Dan Koopu and Jonathan Albertini for having us well prepared and most of all relaxed; secret to a fun time.
Blender events included our traditional pub get together which was a rollicking sing, chat and laugh for all. One wonderful highlight was our Thursday rehearsal which started as normal with some Lydian above the pitch warmups and then the great Dr. Jim Henry arrived. It was rumoured but when it happens that is a wow moment. OF course, like most barbershoppers who travel in packs of four or more he brought some Crossroads friends who put us through our paces. That kind of rehearsal is a floating experience not to be missed. Thanks Dr. Jim, pyramid man.
On the Saturday competition day, we watched our beloved BYC deliver first up and hats off to the guys, they sounded great. We moved into our traditional Blenders breakfast before our performance which is one of the great moments of brotherhood we all cherish. The club honoured one of our stalwarts, past President Barry Mallet (shown right), with Life Membership. We love what you have done for the club over many years and you deserve the recognition and honour Barry, congratulations.
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And then on with makeup and the contest. Is it really Blindside’s Gareth Clarke in this shot or maybe a young man at the barber for his first hair cut???
New Year and a New Committee
The Blenders AGM was held post PanPac contest and I am happy to announce President has remained with Damon Newman, Ian Mackey taking up Secretary, Tom Lawson moved to Treasurer and Tim Green taking the Music VP reigns from Dan Koopu who is assistant director to Jonathan Albertini. Thanks to Dan for the many years of MVP passion and drive; big shoes for Tim to fill but he is in the bass brotherhood so no worries!
Sing GC
The Blenders membership drive jointly running with sister chorus Coastal Charisma started October 16 and the first roll up has been great. Time to start budgeting for extra risers it seems.
Tom Lawson
River City Clippers
The Clippers will be presenting their annual Clippers and Friends concert at their rehearsal venue, St Laurence’s College, on Sunday 22 October. They will be joined by the neighbouring award winning Sweet Adelines’ chorus, Redland Rhapsody, the Villanova College Stage Band and the Vic Kena Duo. The chorus members and their partners will continue the celebration at a nearby restaurant following the concert.
The Clippers were privileged to participate in the recent Queensland Music Festival event ‘You’re the Voice’ which focused on the problem of domestic violence. Surprise guest, John Farnham led a choir of 2500 which was conducted by the inspirational Johnathan Welch.
This year the chorus has concentrated on increasing membership and has been successful in attracting a number of very enthusiastic younger members. Also for the first time in a number of years, the chorus was represented at the Pan Pacifics by our own quartet, Three Squirrels and a Nut comprising, Nick, Roger, Colin and Damian and they performed very successfully.
In 2018, the Clippers will host the regional competition in April at the new Sunnybank Performing Arts Centre, shortly after the conclusion of the Commonwealth Games. We are hoping for a good representation from the region leading up to the Adelaide convention.
Chorus members wish everyone in the fraternity all the best for the coming festive season and a successful 2018.
Steven Deans
Welcome to our newest members
The following members have joined us since our last edition. Please give them a great welcome our our Barbershop world.
Stan |
Benjamin |
Fleurieu Harmony Inc. |
Matthew |
Micallef |
Barbershop Harmony Club of Canberra |
Tim |
Wotton |
Barbershop Harmony Club of Canberra |
Roger |
Hunt |
Barbershop Harmony Club of Canberra |
Shaun |
de Plater |
Barbershop Harmony Club of Canberra |
Joseph |
Nguyen |
Gold Coast Barbershop Harmony Club Inc. |
Art |
Shrimpton |
Hobart Mens Barbershop Harmony Club Inc. |
Brian |
Mawson |
Hobart Mens Barbershop Harmony Club Inc. |
Peter |
Gunn |
Hobart Mens Barbershop Harmony Club Inc. |
Alvin |
Nguyen |
Eastern Region Barbershop Harmony Club |
Kelvin |
Steele |
Sunshine Coast Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Paul |
Mai |
Eastern Region Barbershop Harmony Club |
John |
Nicholls |
Sydney Harmony Inc |
James |
Massey |
The Baden Street Singers Inc |
Lei |
Savage |
Eastern Region Barbershop Harmony Club |
Nathan |
Alison |
The Melbournaires Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Peter |
Ramsbotham |
The Melbournaires Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Message from Mike Donnelly
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I am extremely proud, and equally humbled, to be the inaugural recipient of The BHA Medal. The men nominated were a formidable group of AAMBS and BHA leaders, in every aspect of our artform. To be considered in company with them is an honour in itself.
As described, “The BHA Medal recognises an individual’s exemplary contribution to the advancement of barbershop in Australia, for sustained outstanding leadership, innovation, influence or initiative development…” I have always believed the extraordinary success and progress of barbershopping in Australia is due to the pervasive volunteer efforts of barbershoppers of all talents, across our entire age spectrum. As much as in any sport, barbershopping is a team effort which requires the involvement and commitment of every player to maintain and increase our excellence. The total number of our members willing to assume any and every task that needs doing, or fill any leadership or music position is the key to our success and enjoyment, and a great example of “all hands on deck.” I hope the new BHA Medal will inspire each and every one of you to personally contribute to the team, and strive to become a candidate for the prestigious new BHA Medal.
And most sincerely, profound thanks go to Derek Cosburn who proposed the concept, sponsored the program, and designed and produced the stunning medal.
In Harmony,
Mike Donnelly
Thank you from Nerida White
My family and I would like to express our extreme thanks and gratitude to Members of BHA for the lovely thoughts and wishes we received from so many of you following the recent death of our father and husband, Kevin James White. They really meant a lot to us. It was very sad to see Kevin go but his life had never been the same since he developed a tongue cancer 2½ years ago which meant that he was no longer able to sing which was one of the many the passions of his life. Luckily he went peacefully under the wonderful care of the Palliative Care staff at Gosford Public Hospital.
His years with AAMBS/BHA were very precious to him and he loved being able to help the Association in any way he could but in particular with legal matters as he was a Solicitor and the Chief Legal Office for the NSW Law Society. He was greatly surprised and deeply honoured to be presented with the associations 9th Honorary Membership Award at a BHA Convention, and which he treasured deeply.
I know he would wish that all BHA members continue to enjoy their singing and the great camaraderie that comes with being a Barbershop Singer, so please enjoy it for as long as you can!
Nerida White
Penrith Harmony - A visit to Tokyo Barbers

Voice warm up coach, the M.D., co- MD, choreographer then M.D.
Not that gruelling. Good fun but they are in serious competition mode!
Sworn to secrecy so no hints about their presentation.
Amazing how they learn tunes and then the English words.
Met by Takahira my contact, who could speak good English.
Gave them welcome from Penrith Harmony and a warm welcome to the Pan Pacs in Sydney. I mentioned that their performances are always memorable and popular.
They are a friendly bunch and I enjoyed the afternoon.
Really worthwhile, if you have the opportunity, to sing with another Barbershop Chorus overseas.
Although my Japanese is very limited, I knew exactly what the voice coach was saying re: horizontal or vertical sounds, come from over the top and I am sure Rob that she made a point about sounding out the vowels!
Malcolm Geeves
Penrith Harmony
Impressions of a Barbershop "Newbie"
As a newbie it has been a daunting experience and, in my desperation to fit in, I have learnt to nod sagely during rehearsals when we have been variously instructed to “sing from our eyes” or “to emphasise the embellishments”. Thankfully the chorus has generally done what has been asked because, invariably, the next collective attempt is followed by a cry of “YES” from our MD as we are conducted into the next section.
I have been way too shy to say “no” when asked whether something “makes sense” and when we do the “wee, wee, wee” harmony exercise (as we do every week in warm up) I have learnt to mimic the nearest person to me, whether tenor, bass or, even (can you believe) baritone.
During breaks in rehearsal I have thoroughly enjoyed watching YouTube clips of, amongst others, Crossroads and I have learnt to audibly gasp when I hear that featured quartets have scored over 90.
I have remained largely clueless about what to listen and look for so I have only been able to describe performances as, “good”, “loud” or “repetitive”, whereas the more experienced crew use words like “blended” “passionate” and “emotional”. I have learnt to murmur agreement to their analysis.
And so, in registering for the BHA convention for the first time, you can appreciate my nerves were frayed as I felt I was, at long last, about to be exposed as a fraud.
What a difference a few days make! I have been educated, humbled, impressed, enthused and delighted by being part of the barbershop community. I was awed by all the performances and with new and better friendships forged my confidence has built dramatically.
The evaluations we received were incredibly useful and I am still left pondering how the judges were able to deliver such insight given the number of performances they scored. I now know why 90 is so good and so worthy of a gasp.
I have felt very welcome on the barbership. I have learnt that I’m on a journey that never ends and is one that promises to get better and better. Thank you to all involved last week, whether in organising, partaking or listening, and I look forward to seeing everyone again next year and beyond.
Adam Maxwell, Perth, WA
BHA Riders
At Harmony College 2017, I and a few other delegates were sitting on the “Naamaroo” verandah enjoying a well-deserved cuppa and discovered that three of us all enjoyed riding bikes – that is, motorcycles not Pushies!
Got to wondering, firstly, just how many East Coast Barbershopers ride motorcycles and, secondly, how many would enjoy an occasional ride together.
I’m thinking perhaps once or twice a year (could be more if the idea catches on) with a fairly central country destination being the target. Of course, a northern NSW destination would open an opportunity for our Queensland friends to join in, similarly, a southern NSW destination would allow our Victorian friends to ride in.
A format that has worked well for me in the past is a 3 day ride with day 1 reaching the destination, day 2 at the destination/day ride, day 3 returned home.
Each attending rider would be responsible for arranging their own accommodation/meals, and their own safety, security and welfare.
Contact could be via email or Facebook /messenger group. Initially, please contact me by email should you be interested.
David Farley
Hills Harmony Chorus, Sydney
Misty Mountain Moonshiners
In the meantime we would like to applaud all those who participated in the Convention and congratulate all the winners. Maybe we will be there next time.
Yours in Harmony,
Graham Morrow
A tale from the PanPac Convention
The Hulk of the Dunkirk
“Ladies and gentlemen, the Captain has activated the fasten seat belts sign would you please return to your seats….”
I am back in normality and quite frankly I was lucky to make it.
“Cabin crew please be seated for landing”
6a.m and I sprang out of bed, threw most of my stuff into the suitcase and the rest in my backpack, Jeans and T shirt on ……out of the Dunkirk hotel room number 10 door and into the corridor heading for the bathroom. No ensuites for me matey.
Nope. Someone’s in there already. Ok let’s head down to the next floor and use that one. Better lock my door it’s a hotel and I don’t know who my neighbours are. Pull it closed. The latch clicks into place. Wait a minute…. room 9!!!! Oh no.
I tap my key on the bathroom window.
“Mate I’ve locked your room door”.
“What did you do that for”!
“Thought it was my room”.
“You idiot!”.
“I’ll go down and see if I can get someone”.
I inferred two significant details from this conversation. 1. He didn’t have his key 2. He wasn’t thrilled.
I tried my key in his lock. It slid in but wouldn’t turn. Down to the ground floor and everything is locked up and totally deserted. Race up again to meet the tattooed hulk at the top of the stairs.
“You idiot”
“Look can you stop saying that I’ve already told myself that”.
“What the *#*#*#”
“That’s not helping. I’ll phone the pub number”: ‘Please call back during our opening hours 8a.m to…….
I’ve got to walk to the harbour, wait for the light rail every (24minutes) change to the railway station, get to the airport, check in and ----you know the deal. I’m not doing well at this point. If going on stage at the Pan Pac’s was 2, I’d estimate this was 8 on the panic scale.
I look closely at my door lock and try to see where the latch fits into its metal recess. I need a plastic card. Myers points card. It goes in past the rebate but then I can tell that it’s bending to the side.
The hulk is on the roof garden making a phone call. I throw my stuff out of the suitcase and search for the multi tool—can’t find it. Hulk comes back.
“You idiot”
“Will you quit saying that ---the point is to get the door open”.
I get the cutlery tray out of my room and get the steak knife, I’m not sure how he’s going to interpret that if he ever bothers with the concept of interpreting.
I try the knife and it slots in but it’s just under the catch.
I get hulk to take over so that he stops thinking about throwing me down the stairs.
While he’s occupied trying to break in I think about Mr Bean and wonder if I can do that kind of sly furtive look, sort of wave goodbye and sneak downstairs and run for it.
I get out into the corridor just as hulk clicks the latch and swings his door open. He smiles. We high five.
Ker-Thump. Jees that was a bumpy landing is the undercarriage still intact?
Bob Rutter Qld
Miner Chords - Going for Growth
Over the last few months and following a lot of Singouts, with the decision of opening ourselves to female membership, the Miner Chords has gained a very significant growth in new membership. We now have female voices in tenor, lead and baritone parts. These voices have added a lovely quality to our sound and harmony within the Chorus.
Additionally, under the well prepared work and encouragement of our MD Gordon Dryden, we are gaining much more confidence.
A decision to review our music selection has had a very positive response and this has flowed through to a greater acceptance from audiences. Interestingly several of our new members have come as a result of our performances in public. Word of mouth advertising combined with positive response to people with enquiries have shown to be very valuable.
In respect to Singouts, Miner Chords has accepted all invitations to sing this year resulting in us having a busy year singing to Seniors functions on several occasions, Ipswich Historical Society Open Day, The Welsh Communiy Fete, Rotary Club Change over Night and now several Christmas Functions.
One of the challenges we now face concerns our costumes. We are now reviewing our public appearance because polo shirts do not suit all body shapes.
Finally, we wish BHA members and all the hardworkers for Barbershop singing, a Merry Christmas.
David Green
Melbournaires - PanPac highlights
Recollections and impressions from the Melbournaires.
From MD Ian:
WOW! It didn't seem to stop for the entire 5 days and everything went so well. And what a result! Firstly our own Rod Stow taking a bronze medal in the highly contested mixed section with a 67.1% if you don't mind. I don't think any Victorian quartet has been in that stratospheric position. We are so lucky to have him sing with us, (the girls and Alex were pretty good too!) Then we followed that with a silver medal in the Seniors quartets to Harmonic Motion. We need to note that Steve was added to that quartet two weeks ago, and learned the two parts for the comp. in a week. Then in the Open Competition, Sound Investment were a sensation with strong intonation and a smooth performance. Both Sound Investment and then Boardwalk now hold the two highest % scores for any Victorian quartet in National competition.
The chorus had two 8.00am rehearsals where they sounded wonderful. Perhaps we could have some more of those early bird calls! Everything went to plan on the day, and we finished up in 7th place for BHA, and collected the seniors chorus award with 69.8%.
Hearing Crossroads and seeing them in the flesh, (and there is quite a bit of flesh), was sensational.
And this from our President John:
And this from a first timer: "So this is what barbershop is all about."
What more can we say: Well done
Terry Phillips
Sound Connection
Sound Connection returned from the Las Vegas BHS International Convention in July a little disappointed that we didn't sing at our best, and determined to do better at the Pan-Pacific Convention in Sydney. In the lead-up rehearsals, our director, Andrew Howson, constantly reminded us to relax, sing cleanly and simply, and focus on producing beautiful music and entertaining our audience. As Andrew said, the scores would take care of themselves. Just for a change, we actually listened to our director, and enjoyed ourselves on stage immensely. The icing on the cake was, of course, a BHA gold medal and a Pan-Pacific silver medal. As thrilled as we were to win, we noticed that the scores were VERY close, and a gold medal could just as easily have been a bronze medal.
And then there was Vocal FX, from Wellington, winning the Pan-Pacific gold medal with a staggering 88%, showing us all on this side of the Tasman just how well this art-form can be done! Amazing work, guys!
We've had a big year, and achieved many of our long-term goals. So what's next? We've realised that it's time to set some NEW goals: Broaden our repertoire, increase our membership, have more fun, and ring more chords. Simple, right?
Mark Virtue
Secretary, Sound Connection.
Valé Kevin White
It is with great sadness that we learned recently of the death of BHA Life Member, Kevin White who passed away on Tuesday 22 August after a long illness. He became a member of BHA (then known as AAMBS) in February 1998 when he joined Soundwaves Chorus, based on the Central Coast of NSW actively singing with them as bass and serving in various executive roles within the Chorus until resigning due to ill health in 2015.
Kevin served on the AAMBS/BHA Council as Secretary from 2005 until 2014 and was made a life member of BHA in 2013 in recognition of his long and valuable service to the Australian Barbershop Community. During his tenure as Secretary, Kevin was instrumental in leading us through the Copyright minefield with many of his processes and guidlines still in place today.
Kevin is survived by his wife Nerida and their children Rodic, Lesley, Karen and Jennifer.
Kevin and Nerida were a team whilst he was BHA Secretary with Nerida acting as Assistant Secretary and Newsletter Editor, roles she carried on for many years.
A dedicated Barbershopper who will be sadly missed.
Ian Mulholland
BHA President
Welcome to our newest member
We have just one new member to welcome since last Newsletter so let's give a big Barbershop Harmony Welcome to Stan Benjamin who has joined Fleurieu Harmony.Welcome Stan!.
Music workshops to be held in Sydney and the Sunshine Coast
If you are interested in learning how to teach or hone your skills in helping others to sing in harmony, the two and a half day intensive, Harmony Leader Training (Sydney) course, offers conducting skills and so much more to teachers, choir masters, group facilitators or anyone wanting to put their own small group together. It runs from Friday evening 8th to Sunday afternoon 10th September in the lovely Anahata Wellness Clinic in Surry Hills, NSW.
And for those who would like to be able to read music proficiently, Brian has spent seven years refining the delivery of his sight singing workshop 'Read Music to Sing' so that it promises to be easy to absorb and is a joyful and empowering process. The two and a half day intensive workshop will be held at the beautiful 'Lift Gallery' in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland from Friday evening 20th to Sunday afternoon 22nd October. Early bird price for Read Music to Sing closes on September 1.
For information on both workshops, please contact Robyn Harper 043 111 5755 or email
Welcome to our new members
Gary |
Taylor |
Riverland Ramblers Mens Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Bill |
Wade |
High Altitude Harmony Inc. |
Denis |
Browne |
High Altitude Harmony Inc. |
Jo |
Oosterhoff |
Club at Large |
Jennifer |
Lloyd |
Club at Large |
Samuel |
Parry |
Club at Large |
Donald |
Burrowes |
West Coast Barbershop Harmony Club |
Caitlin |
Telford |
The Baden Street Singers Inc |
Claire |
Quinlan |
The Baden Street Singers Inc |
Elida |
Solecio |
The Baden Street Singers Inc |
Greta |
Hays |
The Baden Street Singers Inc |
Hannah |
Brockway |
The Baden Street Singers Inc |
Jessica |
Del Borrello |
The Baden Street Singers Inc |
Sam |
Widenbar |
The Baden Street Singers Inc |
Thomas |
Filmer |
The Baden Street Singers Inc |
Charmaine |
Wong |
The Baden Street Singers Inc |
Alex |
Dungate |
Barbershop Harmony Club of Canberra |
Deej |
Kenny |
Men in Harmony Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Bill |
Marchbank |
Men in Harmony Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Judith |
Bourne |
Club at Large |
Graham |
Croft |
Sunshine Coast Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Gary |
Cox |
Sunshine Coast Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Geoff |
Eyles |
Sunshine Coast Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Errol |
Greiner |
Sunshine Coast Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Colin |
Issacs |
Sunshine Coast Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Ken |
Johnson |
Sunshine Coast Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Rob |
Matzner |
Sunshine Coast Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Mark |
Planck |
Sunshine Coast Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Garry |
Whiston |
Sunshine Coast Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Bill |
Woodford |
Sunshine Coast Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Michael |
Mathews |
Sunshine Coast Barbershop Chorus Inc |
Craig |
Williams |
Vocal Evolution Inc |
Daniel |
Marsh |
Vocal Evolution Inc |
Eugene |
Liew |
Vocal Evolution Inc |
Sam |
Bright |
Vocal Evolution Inc |
Rob |
Murray |
Vocal Evolution Inc |
Adam |
Maxwell |
Vocal Evolution Inc |
Jaron |
Lee |
Eastern Region Barbershop Harmony Club |
Raymund |
de la Cruz |
South Central Harmony Inc |
Julius |
Roberts |
Hobart Mens Barbershop Harmony Club Inc. |
Ruben |
Tabuteau |
Eastern Region Barbershop Harmony Club |
Ivan |
Lu |
Eastern Region Barbershop Harmony Club |
Stephan |
Leonhard |
Eastern Region Barbershop Harmony Club |
Are you interested in singing your way around the South Pacific?
South Pacific Islands Barbershop Cruise
A cruising company is willing to organise a barbershop cruise for members and partners.
The BHA Council is seeking an entrepreneurial member who is willing to work with the cruising company to coordinate a cruise for members.
If you are interested in taking on the role of cruise coordinator, please contact for information.
Hills Harmony
We have had a busy month in the Hills. Along with our intensive preparation for the Pan Pac competition we have performed at a local Probus club, at a retirement village as the Show section of a “Dinner and a Show” package and at a dinner function for the Parramatta Mission. We look forward to a Christmas in July performance – I think that’s on in July
During Volunteers week we had a special supper at rehearsal to celebrate and acknowledge the volunteers who freely give their time and skill toward organising our chorus and keeping it vital. Our sincere thanks to all of them.
Winter is keeping our riser numbers constant i.e. constantly changing. Members have been unwell, travelling with family or seeking sunnier climes to warm their aching bones. We often have spaces on the risers and weekly continuity is a constant challenge but we will soldier on, honing our performance for competition. See you all in Sydney.
Paul Meller
Lockout to BHS International
The last two years has felt like a long time since Pittsburgh '15, but Lockout is very excited to be heading to Las Vegas to appear in the BHS international quartet contest for our 2nd time. And we're just as excited to be sharing this honour with current BHA champs, Blindside, which means this will be the first time BHA has had 2 quartets on the big stage!
We are really proud to be competing with a couple of our own arrangements as well. Arrangements that nobody outside Western Region has ever heard before. Stefan and Alex have done some amazing work and we can’t wait for you to hear it.
A lot will be going on for us while in Vegas with Alex judging the Youth Barbershop Quartet Contest and once again co-hosting the webcast, Ali and his fiancé Mel trying to hit as many Vegas shows as they can in and around the contest sessions, and Ash running around with Richard Reeve trying to get interviews and sound bites for their Good Morning BHA podcast. All of this while trying to sing any and everywhere for any and everyone, and in honour of getting to sing in her theatre, Alex may have arranged us a Britney Spears song to have some fun with. If you don't see or hear that somewhere in Vegas, it's safe to say you will in Sydney.
Thank you for letting us be one of your representatives.
Ash, Ali, Alex and Stefan.
In Harmony Newsletter - Issue 153 - April-May 2016 (1.8Mb)
Inside this issueMOU signed with BHNZ, President’s message, EVENTS @ BHA, Updated Copyright Guidlines, REGION NEWS, CLUB NEWS, QUARTET NEWS, New Registration Forms, New BHA Members, Barbershop Events
In Harmony Newsletter - Issue 152 - February/March 2016 (1.7Mb)
Inside this EditionBHA Council meeting, President’s message, Marketing Tips, Pan Pacific Youth Harmony, REGION NEWS, CLUB NEWS, New BHA Members, Barbershop Events, BHA National Council
In Harmony Newsletter - Issue 151 - December 2015/January 2016 (2.5Mb)
Inside this issuePresident’s Message, BHA 2015 AGM, Coming Events, 2016 BHA Convention, Youth Development, Administration requests, CLUB NEWS, QUARTET NEWS, New BHA Members, Barbershop Events
In Harmony Newsletter - Issue 149 - August/September 2015 (1.3Mb)
Inside this Issue
Lockout in Pittsburgh, President’s message, Melbourne Convention Update, Mature Chorus Award, Club Training, REGION NEWS, CLUB NEWS, QUARTET NEWS, New Members, Mixed Harmony Debate, Positions Vacant, Barbershop Events
In Harmony Newsletter - Issue 148 - June/July 2015 (1.8Mb)
Inside this IssueMelbourne News, President’s message, Youth News, MD Workshops, BHA Member ID, Executive Workshops, Mixed Harmony, REGION NEWS, CLUB NEWS, QUARTET NEWS, New Members, Positions Vacant, Letter to the Editor, Barbershop Events
In Harmony Newsletter - Issue 147 - April/May 2015 (1.4Mb)
Inside this IssueBig Barbershop Day out - Central Region, President’s message, Executive Workshops, BHA on the Radio, BHA on FaceBook, Youth Chorus to the USA, Convention Youth Day, Director Workshops, You be the Judge, REGION NEWS, CLUB NEWS, QUARTET NEWS, CONVENTION NEWS, CONVENTION Registration, New Members, Barbershop Events,
In Harmony - Issue 146 - February/March 2015 (1.9Mb)
Inside this issueClub of the year, President’s message, Regional Contests, Convention News, Convention Registration, Vocal Spectrum, Marketing Harmony, Southern Cross Chorus, BHA Youth Report, Eddie Martinez, Young Singers Festival, BHA Library & Merchadise, REGION NEWS, CLUB NEWS, New Members, Positions Vacant, ChoralFest 2015, Stop Press, Barbershop Events.
In Harmony - Issue 145 - December 2014/January 2015 (1.5Mb)
Inside this issueNational Youth Chorus, President’s message, Regional Conventions, Youth Development, Improving your Ensemble, Marketing Harmony, Retiring Secretary, BHA Documents, Librarian wanted, REGION NEWS, CLUB NEWS, New Members, Barbershop Events
In Harmony - Issue 144 - October/November 2014 (1.9Mb)
Inside this issueMixed Harmony in ER, President’s message, Ensemble Musicality, BHA AGM, Membership records, Growing Membership, Quartet visit to schools, BHA Library, Valé Bill Purdue, Voices in Paradise, Vocal Spectrum, CHORUS NEWS, QUARTET NEWS, New Members, Barbershop Events.
In Harmony - Issue 143 - August/September 2014 (1.9Mb)
Inside this issue2014 Pan-Pacific Convention in Wellington NZ, President’s message, So you want a Coach, Marketing Harmony,Keeping up to date, Melbourne Convention, REGION NEWS, CLUB NEWS, QUARTET NEWS, New Members, Letter to the Editor, BHA Market Place, Stop Press, Barbershop Events
In Harmony - Issue 142 - June/July 2014 (1.7Mb)
Inside this IssueBenchmark on Tour, President’s message, Youth Grants, Marketing Harmony, Membership Benefits, Voices in Paradise, Secretary’s report, Pan-Pac Convention, Melbourne Convention, All for a good cause, BHS Resources, Thanks Nerida, New Editor, REGION NEWS ,CLUB NEWS, QUARTET NEWS, New Members, Letter to the Editor, Positions Vacant, What do you get for $65?, Barbershop Events
In Harmony - Issue 141 - April/May 2014 (2.9Mb)
What your Council is doing to help your Club growCouncil Reports from the President, VP Youth Development, Secretary and VP Membership
The Melbournaires 2015 BHA Convention update
Region reports from Tasmanian and Central regions
Club News on one special recent success from - Canberra Chordsmen, Festival Statesmen, Fleurieu Harmony, Geelong (Bay City) Conchords, High Altitude Harmony, Harborside Harmony, Hills Harmony, Men in Harmony, Novatones, Penrith Harmony, River City Clippers, SOUNDWAVES, Sunshine Statesmen, Sydney Harmony, The Blenders, Melbournaires Harmony Chorus, Vocal Evolution, Westcoast Chordsmen.
VoicesLive@theIndependent - Sydney Harmony concert
A Cappella Revolution and Voices in Paradise on the Gold Coast
Ian Lushey sponsorship appeal for his puchbike ride from Land's End to John O'Groats
Merchandise for sale
Welcome new and returning members
Information on the Website, Newsletter and Coming events
In Harmony - Issue 140 - February/March 2014 (5.2Mb)
BHA Moves to Annual Conventions
BHA has a new President
Outcomes of Council's Face-to-Face Meeting January 2014
Past President's Report to the 2013 BHA AGM
Get to Know Your New President
Council Reports: Marketing & Development, Music, Secretary
Photos from Eastern Coast Harmony College, February 2014
TLA Quartet - BHA's Open Gold Medal Quartet
Search for new Editor for In Harmony
Voices in Harmony (Paradise) 24 May 2014
Information on the new BHA Website
Email protocol
Welcome to new members
New BHS Certified Director, Ian Miller
Club News: Westcoast Chordsmen, Melbournaires, Sydney Harmony, The Blenders, Fleurieu
Sweet Adelines BBDO & Concert
Information - Our Website, Your newsletter articles, Coming Events
In Harmony - Issue 139 - November/December 2013 (2.8Mb)
In this issue:
Perth Convention Wrap-Up with so many photos from the wonderful BHA 12th Annual Barbershop Convention in Perth in October 2013 that we haven't even counted them.
Council Reports: President, VP Events, VP Marketing & Development, VP Membership, VP Youth Development, VP Music
Contributions from our new Gold Medal quartet, TLA , from Senior Quartet Gold Medallist, Benchmark and from Lunch Break (one of our two fantastic guest quartets)
How to order your convention DVDs and items from the Perth Harmony Marketplace
Congratulations to:
* Our two new BHA Life Members - Mike Donnelly & Kevin White
* Recipients of 25 Year BHA Membership Badges & Certificates
* Club of the Year - Festival States-men
* Chorus Members of the Year
Welcome to our many new BHA members
Club / Chorus news from: The Melbournaires, The Blenders, Novatones, Penrith Harmony, River City Clippers, High Altitude Harmony and Festival Statesmen Youth Chorus
BHA & International Barbershop Calendar of Events
In Harmony - Issue 138 - September/October 2013 (3.9Mb)
SPECIAL PRE-CONVENTION ISSUECouncil reports: President, VP Membership, VP Youth Development, VP Events, Secretary, VP Marketing & Development, VP Music
What it means to take to the risers by Terry Hughes (The Melbournaires)
Club /Chorus News Novatones, Sydney Harmony, Canberra Chordsmen, Festival States-men & Festival Statemen Youth Chorus, High Altitude Harmony, Sound Connection
Welcome to BHA new members
Copy of letter from Premier of Victoria to The Melbournaires
Letter to the Editor from Ian Miller
Barbershop Salesmen - Poem from our BHA poet, Howard Kennedy
Coming Events
Plus informtion on:
* how to access members' ID numbers
* the BHA Website
* requred formatting for submitting articles to In Harmony
* change of postal address for your BHA Secretary
In Harmony attachment - Perth Convention Update - 22nd September 2013 (260.8kb)
IMPORTANT - this Newsletter contains final details for the 2013 Perth Convention and Harmony College including very Special Offers which you can't afford to miss.Please help your hard working Convention Committee get a full house for the SHOWCASE concert on Saturday 12th October - it will be a magnificent show, one not to be missed, and one which will promote our Barbershop hobby to all comers.
In Harmony - Issue 137 - July/August 2013 (2.9Mb)
Australia Shines on World Stage2013 BHA National Convention & Harmony College
Tag Time
BHA Salutes BHS
Council Reports - VP Events, VP Membertship, VP Music - Theory, Intervals
Australiasian Guild of Babershop Judges
Request for notice of your Upcoming Events
A Convert to Barbershop
Great Publicity Material for Central Region
Central Region News
Club / Chorus News - The Melbournaires, Harbourside Harmony, Fleurieu, Miner Chords, High Altitude Harmony, Festival States-Men, Sound Connection,
Benchmark on tour
Vocal Evolution places 14th and The Fishbowh Boys places 9th at BHS International Convention in Toronto Canada
Sweet Adelines' coming Concerts and Workshops
Plus information on the BHA Website - Updated requirements for articles for In Harmony -Coming Events
In Harmony - Issue 136 - May/June 2013 (1.6Mb)
Inside this issue:Council Reports - President, Secretary, VP Events. VP Marketing, VP Membership, VP Music
Early Bird special offer for Registration for BHA 2013 Perth Convention
Region Reports - Eastern, Sunshine
Club Reports - High Altitude Harmony, Sound Connection, SOUNDWVES, Fleuriey, Melbournaires, Penrith Harmony, Festival Youth, Hills Harmony, Vocal Evolution, Sydney Harmony
Voices in Paradise, Qld
MD wanted for Mighty River Harmony, NZ
iQ - one of Australia's newest quartets
General information on Direct Banking, BHA Website, etc.
BHA Calendar of Events
In Harmony - Issue 135 - March/April 2013 (3.3Mb)
- Council reports
- President
- Events
- Marketing/Development
- Membership
- Music
- Youth Development
- Alliance announces its Retirement
- New Central Region
- Club News
- Hills Harmony
- SydneySiders
- Melbournaires
- Harbourside
- The Blenders
- Fleurieu
- High Altitude Harmony
- Sydney Harmony
In Harmony - Issue 134 - January/February 2013 (1.9Mb)
- Council reports
- President
- Events
- Marketing/Development
- Membership
- Music
- Youth Development
- What Events are on your Calendar for 2013?
- Club News
- Melbournaires
- Geelong (Bay City)
- Fleurieu Harmony
- High Altitude Harmony
- Festival Statesmen Youth Chorus
- Vocal Evolution
- Jim de Busman in Oz visit March to June 2013
- Music quotes
- Your Website
- Your Newsletter
- Articles
- Barbershop Events
In Harmony - Issue 133 - November/December 2012 (1.9Mb)
- Council Reports
- President
- Secretary
- Events
- Marketing/Development
- Membership
- Music
- Youth Development
- Thank you from Benchmark
- Poem from Howard Kennedy
- Club News
- Melbournaires
- Harbourside Harmony
- Riverland Ramblers
- Canberra Chordsmen
- Sunshine Statesmen
- High Altitude Harmony
- Sound Connection
- Vocal Evolution
- Festival Statesmen Youth Chorus
- Your Website
- Your Newsletter
- Articles
- Your Events
In Harmony - Issue 132 - September/October 2012 (1.9Mb)
- Council reports
- President
- Secretary
- VP Events
- VP Music
- VP Youth Development
- Personal Warm Up before a Rehearsal
- Alliance visits Tasmania
- Fleurieu Life Member – Tony King
- Club News
- Festival Statesmen Youth Chorus
- The Melbournaires
- Vocal Evolution
- Sunshine Statesmen
- Fleurieu Harmony
- The Barbershop Checklist
- From the Editor
- BHA Lapel Badges
- Tag of the Month
- Website, Newsletter Articles, Your Events
In Harmony - Issue 131 - July/August 2012 (1.7Mb)
- Council reports
- President
- VP Events
- VP Marketing
- VP Membership
- VP Music
- 2013 Perth Convention
- Comments on our Rebadging
- Alliance in USA
- SingFest Queensland
- Club / Chorus news
- Hills Harmony
- Westcoast Chordsmen
- Sound Connection
- Sunshine Statesmen
- Festival Statesmen Youth Chorus
- Sydney Harmony
- The Melbournaires
- Vale � Neil Maitland
- Youth � BBDO Western Australia
- Sydney Quartet Workshop
- IABS New Concept
- Website
- Newsletter Articles
In Harmony - Issue 130 - Special Edition - June 2012 (2Mb)
- New corporate identity and logo – Barbershop Harmony Australia
- What is this new name and logo all about?
- Why did we need a new logo?
- What does this all mean?
- The new BHA Website
- What do I need to do?
- What clubs and quartets need to provide
- Logo Launch Party?
- How can I use the name and logo?
- What next?
- Your Council
- Has anyone else tried this sort of change?
- Your Website
- Your Newsletter Articles
- Your Events
In Harmony - Issue 129 - May/June 2012 (1.6Mb)
- Council Reports – President, VP Events, VP Marketing, VP Music, VP Youth Development
- Club Reports – High Altitude Harmony, Westcoast Chordsmen, The Melbournaires, Sunshine Statesmen (search for new MD)
- Farewell – John Little
- NZABS 2012 Convention
- ChordOnBleu on TV advertisement
- IABS Iniative
- 2012 Portland International Convention
- YouBarbershop newsletter information
- Hi–Jinx – Sweet Adelines 2012 Gold Medal Quartet
- Is your music legal?
- Website, format for Newsletter articles, calendar, etc.
In Harmony - Issue 128 - March/April 2012 (1.5Mb)
- Council Reports – President, VPs Events, Marketing, Membership, Music and Youth Development
- Club News – Central Coast, Riverland Ramblers, Westcoast Chordsmen, The Melbournaires,
- Sydney Harmony, Fleurieu, Vocal Evolution, Sunshine Statesmen, The Brisbane River
- City Clippers, Festival Statesmen, Festival Statesmen Youth Chorus
- Benchmark’s new CD
- Poem from The Clippers music camp
- Subscribing to BHS publication LiveWire
- Interesting a cappella website
- Tags
- Music quotes and cartoons
- Coming Events
- Website information
In Harmony - Issue 127 - January/February 2012 (788.1kb)
- Council Reports – President’s Report to the 2011 AGM; Important News from your VP Music, Dan Millgate; Marketing Harmony – Keith Thornton, VP Marketing & Development; Volunteers Insurance Cover – Kevin White, Secretary;
- BHA Library update
- Have you registered your Quartet?
- Musical Director wanted for Miner Chords in Ipswich, Qld.
- Club Reports – The Melbournaires; Festival Statesmen Youth Chorus; Sunshine Statesmen; Vocal Evolution
- 2012 Quartet Workshop, South Australia – 3 March
- Coming Events – details re Website and Newsletter articles
In Harmony - Issue 126 - November/December 2011 (1.4Mb)
AAMBS Membership on the MoveOut and About at River Harmony, Brisbane
Exciting news for Youth Members
Music Directors wanted in Perth and Ipswich
Apologies to 3 Men & a Tenor
2011 Convention DVDs out soon
Directors - the magic is in their Hands
Technology comes to Barbershopping
Club News -
Sounds of A-Chord, The Blenders, Sunshine Statesmen, Vocal Evolution, The Melbournaires
A heartfelt plea from your hard working National Secretary & Newsletter Editor
Vocal Evolution Christmas Concert
Details of Publicity/Promotion - Recruitment Drive
Website / Newsletter details & Coming Events
In Harmony - Issue 125 - September/October 2011 (1.1Mb)
River Harmony Convention newsFaces to look for at Convention
YSIH Festival & Concert
Queen St Mall singout
Council Reports:
President, VP Conventions, VP Marketing, VP Membership, VP Music
AAMBS Gold Medallists - Vocal Evolution, Alliance
AAMBS International Gold Medallist - Tim Carollan
Young Singers wanted for performance at Carnegie Hall on 26th December 2011
CDs from Vocal Evolution, Alliance and The Fishbowl Boys
Club News:
Penrith City Harmony, The River City Clippers, Newcastle, High Altitude Harmony
Inspiring story from a member with Asperger's Syndrome & what Barbershopping means to him
A special plea for the keepers of the AAMBS' records - Secretary and Newsletter Editor
MD wanted for Geelong (Bay City) Conchords
AAMBS' Direct Debit details
In Harmony - Special Pre-Convention Issue - August 2011 (860.1kb)
Barbershop to Blitz Brisbane - Derek Churchill, VP Conventions
Plan of Convention Venue
Promotional material displayed around Brisbane
Young Singers in Harmony Set to Shine - Steve Griffin, VP Youth Development
Compliance with Australian Copyright Law - Kevin White, AAMBS Secretary
A Wrap Up from our President - Mike Donnelly, AAMBS President
Alphabetical List of Quartet and Chorus entries received
Harmony College informaition - Richard Gardam, VP Conventions
AAMBS / NZABS Judging School - Dan Millgate, VP Music
Promotional material for use by all Clubs
Letter to the Editor from Bruce Okely
AAMBS Items for Sale at the Convention (or directly from Kevin White, AAMBS Secretary)
Coming Events / Website and Newsletter information
In Harmony - Issue 123 - July/August 2011 (858.7kb)
AAMBS success at Internationals from President Mike Donnelly2011 Convention and Harmony College in Brisbane
How to Have Fun & Music Terminology from VP Music, Dan Millgate
News from our Clubs - SydneySiders, Central Coast & Newcastle, Miner Chords, Central Coast, Sunshine Statesmen, Men in Harmony
Praise and Admiration for all AAMBS Council/Executive members
International Conventions - SABS 2012 & European 2013
Vale - Rowley King
Benchmark on Australia's Got Talent
New Pitch Pipes available
Letters to the Editor
The Buzz (Sweet Adelines) Australian toru
Coming Events / Website / Newsletter information
In Harmony - Issue 122 - May/June 2011 (871.9kb)
Council Reports - President, Secretary, VPs - Music, Marketing, Conventions, Youth Development
Thanks to Mike Wells, Retiring VP Music
2011 Convention - River Harmony News No 5 and Harmony College
Region Reports - Western and Eastern
Is your AAMBS' membership up to date?
Search for Contest Administrators
Barbershop Arranging
Invitation from BinG!
Letters to the Editor
Club News - Fleurieu, The Clippers, Sunshine Statesmen, High Altitude Harmony
AAMBS' contact and website details / requirements for Newsletter articles / Coming Events
In Harmony - Issue 121 - March/April 2011 (1.4Mb)
2011 AAMBS/Pan Pac Convention NewsMessages to our Pacific Rim Barbershop brothers
Council Reports President, Secretary, VPs - Conventions, Marketing, Membership,
Youth Development
New Victorian Region
Letters to the Editor
Singing is Good for You
Club News Bayside, High Altitude Harmony, Festival Statesmen, Fleurieu, Men in Harmony,
Westcoast Chordsmen, Statesmen Youth Chorus
BinG! First Inernational Mixed Quartet competition
Coming Events / Website & Newsletter information
In Harmony - Issue 120 - January/February 2011 (791.4kb)
Contents:Flood news from Toowoomba members
President's Report to 2010 AGM - 14th December 2010
Council Reports: VP Music, VP Membership, VP Marketing
River Harmony 2011 Convention News - No 3
Heartwarming messages from our overseas Brothers in Barberhopping
Benchmark off to compete in Las Vagas this month
Quartet Registrations requirements
Library Update
Club News: Newcastle Harmony Club, Men in Harmony, Canberra Chordsmen, Brisbane River City Clippers, Vocal Evolution, Westcoast Chordsmen
Latest new from our Gold Medal Quartet - Alliance
Coming Events, Webstite and Newsleter information and deadlines
In Harmony - Issue 119 - November/December 2010 (931.1kb)
2011 River Harmony Convention / Pan Pac and Harmony College informationFarewell from your Music VP
Buy Vocal Evolution's CD and help them get to International Convetion in Kansas 2011
PLEASE check the Website and your Diaries before asking for forms or arranging your events
Club News - The Clippers, Sunshine Statesmen, Ipswich A Capella, Men in Harmony, High Altitude Harmony
Check your diaries and the Website before setting a date for a Club event
Invitation to a Choir Festival in Krakow, Poland
SydneySiders great flyer promoting 'Learn to Sing Harmony in the Barbershop Style'
Coming Events
Details of Website information - and requirements for In Harmony articles
In Harmony - Issue 118 - September/October 2010 (1.1Mb)
Our Gold Medal Quartet - AllianceCouncil contributions - President, Secretary, VP Marketing, VP Conventions,VP Music
Only 12 months to go - 2011 River Harmony Convention and Pan Pac in Brisbane
MDs wanted for Men in Harmony & Harmony in Paradise Ladies' Chorus
English MD wants to immigrate to Australia
Club/Chorus reports: SOUNDWAVES, High Altitude Harmony, Miner Chords, Harborside Harmony, Fleurieu Harmony Chorus.
Thanks from the Sunshine Statesmen
AAMBS Library
Website and Newsletter requirements
Coming Events
In Harmony - Issue 117 - July/August 2010 (753.2kb)
The True Hand of Friendship - Blenders / ClippersCouncil contributions: President, Secretary, VP Conventions, VP Membership, VP Music
Club Reports: Sunshine Statesmen, High Altitude Harmony, Festival Statesmen, Miner Chords, Festival Statesmen Youth Chorus, Men in Harmony
Introducing Escapade Quartet
Training for Barbershop Leads - Ian Miller, VP Music
In Tune with Barbershop Singing - Doug Moody, MD The Melbournaires
An Alternative Approach - A brief overview with Charts
Website details / requirements for Newsletter Articles / Coming Events
In Harmony - Issue 116 - May/June 2010 (1.4Mb)
This is AAMBS new-look Newsletter which includes items on:Young Singers in Harmony Adelaide 2010 Convention
VP Marketing's visit to Spanish and German 2010 Conventions
Free Tips for Quartets from the President
Important Message re Membership from the Secretary
Mike Ludwig expounds the joy of visiting other Clubs
Editor's Notes re newly named and formatted Newsletter
Congratulation to the Blenders for Australia's Got Talent
Club Reports: Miner Chords, Harbourside Harmony, Fleurieu Harmony, Men in Harmony, River City Clippers
Convention Reports: Sunshine Region and Western Region
Suggestion from Miner Chords re Singing on Anzac Day
Flyers: Young Singers in Harmony; Eastern Region Competition
Coming Events plus Information on Website and Newsletter requirements
Barbershop Notes - Issue 115 - March/April 2010 (1018.7kb)
New Members - Assimilate or Lose Them! - Tom Smith, VP MembershipGolden Opportunity - Mike Donnelly, President
Rebadging the Association - Richard Gardam, VP Conventions
The Quest for Excellence - Ian Miller, VP Music
Know Your Rules - Kevin White, Secretary
Success is an attitude - your attitude! By Ed Watson, BHS Executive Director
Watch for Your New Look Newsletter
Newsletter Deadlines
Oceans of Harmony Tour - Musical Island Boys - March/April 2010
SingFest flyer - 30 April to 2 May 2010
Club News: Bayside, Miner Chords, The Clippers, Novatones, High Altitude Harmony, The Blenders
Neil Slaven retires from Four Crying Out Loud Quartet
Vale - Chuck Mitchell from The Vocal Majority
Musical Director Wanted for the Brisbane River City Clippers
Coming Events
How well do you know your AAMBS Website? -- Quiz.
Barbershop Notes - Issue 114 - January/February 2010 (1.4Mb)
Council Reports: President's report to 2009 AGM; Secretary and VP Marketing reportsHow well do you know your AAMBS Website?
Vital questions about what you can do! by Ed Watson, BHS Executive Director
Oceans of Harmony Tour, March/April 2010 - Musical Island Boys
AAMBS Eastern Region February Workshop at Greenhills, ACT
Our Song To You - poem by AAMBS member Vaughan Sage
Club Reports: Miner Chords, Men in Harmony, Vocal Evolution
Musical Director Wanted - Newcastle NSW
Singfest 2010 - April/May 2010 on the Gold Coast Qld
New Arrivals in the AAMBS Library
Letters to the Editor
A New South on the Musical Scene
Coming Events / AAMBS' Contact Information & Newsletter Deadline dates
Barbershop Notes - Issue 113 - November/December 2009 (1.4Mb)
Council Reports : President, Secretary, VP Membership, VP Conventions, VP Music, VP MarketingConvention Contest Administrator's Report
Heritage Harmony 2009 Convention Final Report
Alliance our Gold Medal Quartet
High Altitude Harmony - the Audience Favourite
Wanted - 3 Musical Directors
Club Reports : Central Coast, Sunshine Statesmen, Fleurieu Harmony, Harbourside Harmony, River City Clippers, Miner Chords, Vocal Evolution
Western Region Report
Silver Fox quartet shows the way
Letters to the Editor - Risers 4 Sale - AAMBS Library
Memories of Heritage Harmony Convention (Photographs)
Coming Events
Musical Island Boys' "Oceans of Harmony" Tour
AAMBS Contact details - BSN Deadlines
Barbershop Notes - Issue 112 - September/October 2009 (559.4kb)
Council Reports: President, Secretary, VP Marketing, VP Music, VP Conventions, VP Youth Development2009 AAMBS Convention - Heritage Harmony, Hobart, Tasmania update
AAMBS needs Contest Administrators
Vale - Tribute to Les Nation of NZABS
Jo Barbershopper visits California (member's report on 2009 Anaheim Internation Convention)
Barbershop - the secret of youth ?
Regional big choruses to entice a response ?
Club Reports: Broadwater Connection, Miner Chords, The Blenders, River City Clippers, Novatones, High Altitude Harmony
Region Report: Sunshine Region
Coming Events
AAMBS Contact Details / Barbershop Notes deadlines
Barbershop Notes - Issue 111 - July/August 2009 (812.2kb)
Council Reports: President, Secretary, VP Marketing, VP Youth Development, VP Music, VP ConventionsHeritage Harmony Convention Report
Remove All Red Flags
Heritage Harmony Merchandise
Singing is Good For You
AAMBS Needs Contest Administrators
International Convention Report from Alliance Quartet
Club Reports: Bayside Barbershop Sinters, High Altitude Harmony, Southcoast Barbershop Singers, Fleurieu Harmony, River City Clippers, Miner Chords, Hills Harmony, The Blenders, Festival State'smen
Performance/BBQ Flyers - Sydney Harmony, The Clippers, SydneySiders, Festival State'smen
Coming Events
AAMBS' Contact Information & Barbershop Notes Deadlines
Barbershop Notes - Issue 110 - May/June 2009 (1.1Mb)
Council Reports - President, Secretary, Treasurer, VP Marketing, VP Conventions, VP Music, VP Youth Development
Letter to the Editor / Editor's Note
Hobart Convention - Heritage Harmony
Heritage Harmony Merchandise
Club Reports - The Blenders, SOUNDWAVES, Sydney Harmony, Miner Chords, SouthCoast Barbershop Singers, Festival States-men, High Altitude Harmony, The Brisbane River City Clippers, The Sunshine Statesmen, Men in Harmony
BarberTube - article from Ash Schofield
Coming Events
AAMBS Contact details / BSN Deadlines
Barbershop Notes - Issue 109 - March/April 2009 (1.8Mb)
Council Reports: President, Secretary, VP Music, VP ConventionsHeritage Harmony Update
AAMBS Eastern Region Quartet Competition
Club & Quartet Reports: SOUNDWAVES, Sunshine Statesmen, The Blenders, Silver Fox Quartet, Hills Harmony, Alliance Quartet, High Altitude Harmony, SouthCoast Barbershop Singers, Festival Statesmen, Westcoast Chordsman, The Melbournaires, Newcastle Harmony Club.
The Blender's Tribute to Bernie Cureton
IABS 21st Convention, Dublin
Coming Events / Harmony College Flyer
AAMBS Contact details / BSN Deadlines
Barbershop Notes - Issue 108 - January/February 2009 (956kb)
Council Reports: President, VP Membership, VP Marketing, SecretaryGary Kirk receives Australia Day Honour
2009 Hobart Convention Registration Opens
Youth in Harmony Challenge
Vale - Bernie Cureton
Club Reports: High Altitude Harmony, Sunshine Statesmen, Sydney Harmony, The Highlandaires, Fleurieu Harmony Chorus, River City Clippers, Vocal Evolution
Coming Events / AAMBS Contact Details / BSN Deadlines
Barbershop Notes - Issue 107 - Christmas Issue 2008 (663.3kb)
President's and Secretary's Report to 2008 AGMAGM 2008 Election Results
Health report on Joe Liles of BHS
Club Reports - River City Clippers, The Sunshine Statesmen
Coming Events
Contact Details & BSN Deadlines
Barbershop Notes - Issue 106 - November/December 2008 (1Mb)
Council Reports - President, Treasurer, VP Conventions, Secretary, VP Music
Start Planning for the Hobart Convention 2009
Know Your Voice !
Lifetime Achievement Award for Linc Abbot
Vale - Fred Brown
Club Reports - High Altitude Harmony, Sydney Harmony, The Blenders, High Seas Quartet, Miner,
Chords, Hills Harmony, Festival States-men, The Highlandaires, Men in Harmony,
Vocal Evolution
Music Director Vacancy with The Blenders
Coming Events / 3rd Annual Hills Harmony Barbershop Contest / A Harmony Spectacular
AAMBS Council Contact Details / BSN Deadlines
Barbershop Notes - Issue 105 - September/October 2008 (937.1kb)
Council Reports: President, Secretary, Treasurer, VP Music
Membership / Registration notice
Sunshine Region Report
Harmony University 2008 Report - Don Godfrey
Club Reports: The Melbournaires, River City Clippers, Miner Chords
Big Barbershop Day Out - Perth
Eastern Region Canberra Workshop 2009
New Tag from David Evans
Jazz'n Harmony - Vocal Evolution concert
Note from the Editor
Coming Events / Search for a Tenor
AAMBS' Council details / BSN deadlines
Barbershop Notes - Issue 104 - July/August 2008 (1.5Mb)
Council Reports: President, Secretary, Treasurer, VP Music, VP Marketing, VP Conventions
Call for new Judges and Contest Administrators
Telstra pulls the plug on 0500 service
National Quartet Challenge - 16 August 2008
Club Reports: The Blenders, Vocal Evolution, Sydney Harmony, Miner Chords, River City Slippers, The Highlandaires, Fleurieu Harmony Chorus
News from Alliance quartet - plus launch of their new CD Anthem
Farewell to FREEFALL quartet
Coming Events / Back dates of The Harmonizer available
Great Barbershop stories
AAMBS' Contact information / BSN deadlines
Barbershop Notes - Issue 103 - May/June 2008 (1.1Mb)
Reports: President, VP Marketing, Treasurer, SecretaryClub Reports: Fleurieu/Festival Statesmen; Westcoast Chordsmen; River City Clippers; Men in Harmony; Gympie Barbershop Chorus; The Blenders; The Melbournaires; Broadwater Connection; Hills Harmony
Sydney Convention Centre Newsletter Article
Sleep with a Barbershopper
Editor's note
An Innovative Way to Attract Members from the Sweet Adelines
An easy way to attract New Members to your chorus
Becoming Extraordinary
Does your Right Hand kinow what your Left Hand is doing?
Coming Events
AAMBS Calendar 2008-2011
AAMBS Council details / BSN Deadlines
Barbershop Notes - Issue 102 - March/April 2008 (1.1Mb)
Council Reports - President, VP Marketing, VP Conventions, VP Music, SecretaryAustralian Barbershop Quartet Challenge
Region Reports - Eastern, Sunshine
Meet our new VP Marketing and Development - Derek Churchill
A new member's report on ER February Workshop
Club Reports - River City Clippers, The Melbournaires
Read Dr Jim Henry's article in The Harmonizer
Hills Harmony - 2nd Annual Barbershop Contest
Coming Events
2007 Convention DVDs available
Voices in Harmony 2008
We are not Psychic !!
2009 AAMBS Convention Survey
The Journey of the Messenger - after Mitch's fall at Sydney Convention
MD wanted for The Southern Highlandaires
AAMBS Calendar: 2008-2011
Council Contact Details & BSN Deadlines
Barbershop Notes - Issue 101 - January/February 2008 (2.3Mb)
Council Reports: President, VP Conventions, SecretaryPresident's Report to the 2007 AGM
Library Update - 2007 Convention DVDs
Common Ground newspaper article
Club Reports: Hobart Mens Barbershop Chorus, The Melbournaires, The Blenders, Broadwater Connection, Men in Harmony
Photos of 2007 Convention Winners
Heritage Harmony - Hobart 2009
Eastern Region Canberra Weekend Workshop
Sydney Harmony Media Release
Pan Pac Convention 2008 / Coming Events / Change of Address for Barbershop Harmony Society
AAMBS Calendar 2008 - 2011
AAMBS Council contact details / BSN Deadlines
Barbershop Notes - Issue 100 - November/December 2007 (1Mb)
Council Reports - President, Secretary, VP Conventions, VP Music
Congratulations to our Esteemed President
'Happy Snaps' - 2007 Convention
Here Come de Judge! - Derek Cosburn
A Question of Handicap - David Brown, Contestant Administrator
BHS - Important article on Copyright
Club Reports - Broadwater Connection, Minor Chords, River City Clippers, Sunshine Statesmen, Men in Harmony
University Collete 2007, Richard Lugg
AAMBS History - The First 20 Years by Andy Aberle
Pan Pacific Harmony / Aussie Songbook
AAMBS Calendar 2008 - 2011
AAMBS Council details / BSN Deadlines
Barbershop Notes - Issue 99 - September/October 2007 (1.3Mb)
Council Reports - President, VP Conventions, VP Music, Secretary
9th Bi-Annual Convention - Awards, Update No 9, Medial Release, Program, Free train travel
Club Reports - Broadwarer Connection, Brisbane River City Clippers, The Blenders, Vocal Evolution
Music Leaders' Workshop
Search for MDs - The Blenders & Men in Harmony
Coming Events
Sydney Harmony ABC Interview
History of AAMBS by Andy Aberle
4 year calendar - Council details - BSN Deadlines
Barbershop Notes - Issue 98 - July/August 2007 (811.5kb)
Council Reports: President, VP Conventions, VP Music, VP Membership, Secretary9th Annual Convention Update No 6
Club Reports: Fleurieu Harmony Chorus, River City Clippers, Hobart Men's Barbershop Chorus, The Festival Statesmen, Geelong (Bay City) Conchords
Vale: Peter Dustin - Col Chapman
Coming Events
Musical Snippets and Quotations
AAMBS Calendar 2007-2010
AAMBS Contact details and Barbershop Notes Deadlines
Barbershop Notes - Issue 97 - May/June 2007 (744.3kb)
Council Reports: President, VP Conventions, VP Music, SecretaryVale - Rosalie Lang
9th Annual Convention, Sydney, Update No 5
Club Reports: SOUNDWAVES, River City Clippers, Vocal Evolution, Fleurieu Harmony Chorus, Miner Chords
"Getting to Know You" Picnic
Coming Events / AAMBS Website / Library Notes
Risers for Sale
NZABS Convention 2007
Search for Musical Director
AAMBS Calendar 2007-2010
Contact Information / Members Details - AAMBS Council / BSN Deadline dates
Barbershop Notes - Issue 96 - March/April 2007 (2.5Mb)
Council Reports: President, VP Conventions, VP Music, Secretary
New Tag
9th National Convention - Update No. 4
Circulation of Barbershop Notes
Outstanding effort by Four Crying Out Loud
FREEFALL on "Australia has Talent"
Chorus Reports: Vocal Evolution, The Melbournaires, Miner Chords
AAMBS Oldest and Youngest Members
Who's Counting - Alburquerque International report
Coming Events / Irish Convention 2007 / Contact List / BSN Deadlines
Barbershop Notes - Issue 95 - January/February 2007 (3.9Mb)
AAMBS President's Report 2006
Council Reports - Secretary, VP Membership
"You Can Sing Too" promotional flyers
9th National Convention - Update No. 3
"Who's Counting" competing in Albuquerque
Club reports - Festival Statesmen, Illawarra Chordiality, Fleurieu Harmony Chorus, Hobart Men's Barbershop Harmony Club, Sunshine Statesmen
Support your Supporters / Coming Events / True Brotherhood of Barbershopping / Letters to the Editor
Realtime CD order form
AAMBS Calendar 2007 - 2010
Council details / Next closing date - Friday 16 March 2007
Barbershop Notes - Issue 82 - November/December 2004 (4.3Mb)
From Whence the Joy of BarbershopA Big Sunshine Hello
Pan Pacific Convention a Roaring Success
The AAMBS Library
AAMBS Calendar 2005-2009
Barbershop Notes - Issue 81 - September/October, 2004 (434.3kb)
Teamwork, Teamwork, TeamworkHitting the Airwaves
Annual General Meeting
AAMBS 2005 Convention Update
Copyright Guidelines
Barbershop Notes - Issue 88 - November/December 2005 (891.5kb)
President's and Committee Reports
Club Reports (8)
Alliance - Gold Medal Quartet
WA Barbershop Big Day Out
Thank you, Soundwaves
A Salute to Jim Catt
Advertisements for Musical Directors
2005 Gold Coast Convention 'Happy Snaps'
AAMBS contact information & Issue 89 deadline
Barbershop Notes - Issue 94 - November/December 2006 (2.6Mb)
From the President
Council Reports VP Conventions, Secretary, VP Membership
Realtime Downunder
Eastern Region Quartetting Workshop
Region Reports Western, Eastern, Sunshine
Western Region Youth In Barbershop Development Initiative
Club Reports The Wellingtones, Bay City Conchords, Myal Coast, Hills Harmony, River City Clippers, Miner Chords, The Blenders
Vale - Bill Sweetman, Russel Read and Bruce Magnusson
Coming Events/Back Issues/Library Videos
AAMBS Calendar 2007-2010
Contact Information/Website details/Issue 95 deadline
Barbershop Notes - Issue 93 - September/October 2006 (1.1Mb)
Council Reports: President, VP Conventions, SecretaryREALTIME Tour - Concert details for each Region + Western Region
workshop information
Chorus Directors' Workshop Intensive - details + feedback
Club Reports : The Wellingtones, Broadwater Connection, River City
Clippers, SOUNDWAVES, The Blenders
New Chorus at Myall Coast NSW
Coming Events
Eastern Region Quartetting Workshop
AAMBS Library - full list
Contact Information, Issue 94 Deadline
Barbershop Notes - Issue 87- September/October 2005 (627.9kb)
From the PresidentCommittee Reports
AAMBS 2005 Convention / Raffle
Words of Quartet Wisdom from Riptide
Club Reports - Miner Chords, The Wellingtones, The Canberra Chordsmen, Broadwater Connection, River City Clippers, Blenders
Hebron Orphanage Update
AAMBS Contact details/ Issue 88 Deadline
Barbershop Notes - Issue 80 - July/August 2004 (638.9kb)
You're never too old to Sing
AAMBS Convention Anouncement
A Temporary Chorus
Lessons from Geese
Barbershop Notes - Issue 86 - July/August 2005 (456.9kb)
From the PresidentCommittee Reports (4)
Convention: Reminders / Special Raffle
Chorus Reports (4)
Obituary: Beres McKeown
AAMBS: various information
Barbershop Notes - Issue 92 - July/August 2006 (1Mb)
Council Reports - President, Secretary, Treasurer, VP Membership
Get to Know Your Councillors - Tom Smith & Barry Joy
Club Reports - Vocal Evolution, River City Clippers, The Melbournaires, Illawarra Chordiality
The Music Premiere Series
2007 Convention Update No 2
5th Pan Pacific Convention 2008
Letters to the Editor
New Choruses, Coming Events, Music Quotations, Tags
My Hebron Visit by Keith Swannell
Council Contact details, etc.
Barbershop Notes - Issue 79 - May/June 2004 (526.1kb)
Hey Hon....what's on TV tonight?
National Council Positions
Close Harmony - Down Under
Barbershop Notes - Issue 91 - May/June 2006 (820.9kb)
Council Reports: President, Secretary & VP Conventions (including Realtime's Australian Tour)
Club Reports: Sydney Harmony, SOUNDWAVES, Westcoast Chordsmen, Fleurieu Harmony Chorus, Festival States-Men, The Blenders
Report on Sydney Harmony's Voices @ The Con
SydneySiders Express new venue details
Coming Events, AAMBS Library, Gift to Papua New Guinea
Aussie Songbook Order Form
"On Music Critics"
Barbershop Notes - Issue 85 - May/June 2005 (351.6kb)
Our president
What AAMBS does for you!
Gold Coast Update from Music VP
What can we do to encourage vocal music in our communities?
Aussie songbook order form
Chorus/Quartet reports
Barbershop Notes - Issue 84 - March/April 2005 (664.2kb)
President's Report
Survey Winners
2005 Convention Update
VP Music Report
VP Conventions' Report
Chorus Reports
Barbershop Notes - Issue 90 - March/April 2006 (1.2Mb)
President's Report to 2005 AGM
Meet Ian Mulholland, our VP Music
Councillors' Reports - VP Convention, Secretary, VP Music
Invitation to Sing with The Blenders in Denver 2007
Sydney Harmony's new Musical Director
FREEFALL's Salt Lake City report
Club Reports (5)
Items from The Harmonizer
Aussie Songbook order form
Contact details & deadline for next issue
........ Plus more
Barbershop Notes - Issue 78 - March/April 2004 (1Mb)
Are we having fun yet?Farewell Kevin John Brand
Weheelhouse Down Under
Jim Kahlke Down Under
Barbershop Notes - Issue 83 - January/February 2005 (1.3Mb)
Australian Barbershoppers aid tsunami
President's Report
Treasurer's Summary
Secretary's Report
A Note from Music VP
A Note from Conventions VP
Gold Coast Convention update
The Oldest Quartets
Copyright guidelines (cont.)
Barbershop Notes - Issue 89 - January/February 2006 (536.3kb)
From the President
Council Reports - VP Conventions, Secretary, VP Music
Increasing Laughter in your Chapter Meeting
BHS Tag Competition
Jim Catt's Retirement - FREEFALL Update
Club Reports
The Tag - The Story of the Rose
Do you know your Regional Chairman?
Hebron Orphanage (Appeal Update)
Contact Information - Next Issue deadline