Barbershop Harmony Australia

Registration for the 2024 Gold Coast Festival is now live!
Head to or click the festival banner above for more information.

New Monthly Newsletter
Keep an eye on your inboxes for our new monthly newsletter Harmony News!
The link to this newsletter can also be found under the News tab on this very website.

2023 Strategic Framework
Check out the new Strategic Framework here! 2023 Strategic Framework

The Australian Barbershop community is a vibrant collection of singers from all over Australia, who gather together to sing tight, exciting four-part harmonies in quartets and in choruses.  There are choruses and quartets in every major city and town across Australia, and our numbers are growing. Barbershop Harmony Australia (BHA) is the association to which these singers belong.

If you would like to sing with us, why not visit one of our choruses?  All BHA choruses have an open rehearsal policy - any member of the public can simply visit a rehearsal and apply to join at any time. If you would like to form a new chorus or quartet, visit our Forms page for the appropriate forms. 

Take a look at our membership page if you want to know more about what you get from your membership. Want to join now? Go to our forms page and fill out the appropriate membership application form.

Latest News

  1. Harmony News 17/06/2024

    Harmony News 17/06/2024

    The June edition of Harmony News, featuring a multitude of updates about the 2024 Gold Coast Festival. View here. more
  2. VALE - John Wareham OAM

    VALE - John Wareham OAM

    Sadly, Barbershop Harmony Australia has lost one of its early pioneers, the delightful Mr John Wareham OAM. John started singing ... more