Welcome to the BHA Membership page!
Full membership in BHA is open to all who love to sing are is in sympathy with the objects of the Association. There are choruses and quartets in every capital city in Australia and numerous other cities and towns. Check through our online list to find your nearest club.
Why should I become a member?
With nearly 1,000 individuals making up over 30 clubs and over 70 quartets nationwide, membership in Australia’s own leading barbershop singing organisation provides many benefits:
- News to keep members abreast of events and current developments.
- Educational resources in every field - music, directing, arranging, and leadership (incl. marketing, culture, and so much more!)
- Stay connected with the BHA National Council and Regional leadership; learn what’s happening before it happens!
- Chorus and Quartet Information – find other quartets or choruses.
- Contest and Judging Information – access contest rules, entry forms, scores and standing orders.
- Regional and national educational events including the highly successful Harmony Academy provide opportunities for leadership, musical, membership and performance development and a forum for the exchange of new ideas with the aim of helping members enjoy their hobby more, share that joy with others, and continually experience growth.
- Encouraging vocal music in our schools and communities is a fundamental ideal of the organisation and keeps music and the arts more relevant in these times of diminished focus and funding.
- Special courses and training for musical directors, administrators, arrangers, composers, music educators – and everyone else!
- BHAs monthly Harmony News e-newsletter is emailed out to all members, keeping everyone abreast of all of the Barbershop happenings across Australia!
National Festivals
- A week-long Festival, incorporating the National Contest and Harmony Academy, held in attractive locations throughout Australia, designed to bring barbershop harmony enthusiasts from around Australia and the world together in one place and to witness hundreds of contestants in the top choruses and quartets contests; participate in educational workshops and seminars; attend concerts, group meetings and a meeting of the BHA National Council and enjoy countless networking opportunities.
Regional Festivals
- Each of our 6 Regions hosts a weekend festivaleach year. These weekends offer the opportunity for singing and socialising with singers from across the region, as well as educational sessions run by the guest judgets.
- Contests are also held to determine Quartet and Chorus Champions as well as acting as qualifying events for the national contest.
Assistance from National Council
- Advice on events and shows
- Advice on music arrangements
- Advice on securing copyright clearances on sheet music, including securing permission to arrange a song
- Interpretation of rules and regulations
- Quartet registrations
- Coaching visits to choruses and regions
- Processing of chorus and national dues
- Marketing and PR help
- Harmony Academy
- Festivals
- Contests
- Protection and use of the Name and Logo
Other Benefits
- Public liability insurance
- Membership development assistance
What does annual membership cost?
The BHA membership year runs from 1 January to 31 December - annual membership fees are*:
- $97.50 per year for Full members (Over 25 at 1 January in the current BHA membership year)
- $48.75 per year for Youth members (25 and under at 1 January in the current BHA membership year)
A Joining Fee of 50% of the relevant annual membership fee will be charged for any new member, or any member renewing after a 6-month or longer cessation of membership.
* New and returning members joining after 1 July in any BHA membership year pay 50% of the yearly fee.
How do I become a member?
BHA clubs are normally responsible for managing the BHA membership of their club members - please talk to your club management if you have not yet been signed up.
If you are not a member of a BHA club you can still apply for BHA membership using the link below. This form is generally only intended for members of the Club At Large, unless you have specifically been asked to use it by your club.
BHA Membership application form
Membership fees must be paid into the BHA Bank Account:
BSB: 032-181
Account: 130739
Ref: Your Name
Keeping your contact details up to date!
All Clubs are responsible for updating their members' personal and contact details on the BHA Website.
Members-at-Large need to notify the BHA Administration Officer at admin@barbershop.org.au of any changes to their personal/contact details.
This not only ensures that members are fully covered by the association’s insurance policies but also ensures that they continue to receive important messages from Barbershop Harmony Australia.