Individual membership fees are usually paid by Clubs who ensure that full contact details, birth date, etc. for all new members are recorded on the BHA Website and are responsible for updating any changes to the recorded details of the members of their Club.
This form is generally only intended for members of the Club At Large, unless you have specifically been asked to use it by your club.
Please click on the link below to complete the membership application form.
Membership fees must be paid into the BHA Bank Account:
Your name
Full annual membership is $95pa, while youth membership (under 26 on 1st Jan) is $47.50. New members also have to pay a joining fee of 50% of the annual membership fee.
The Quartet Registration Year is from 1 January to 31 December.
By 31 December a registration form must be submitted to ensure that your quartet remains registered with BHA for the following year and that it is fully covered under the BHA Insurance Policies. Please click on the link below to register your quartet.
Clubs are asked to send details of all their coming events for posting on the BHA Website and in the BHA newsletter In Harmony to the BHA admin officer
Over recent years, it has become the responsibility of each club to update its details in the BHA database. This form provides advice on how to undertake these checks.
This task should be done at least twice a year:
When club registration is completed before 31 December, please take the time to check and update member’s email, address, phone number, emergency details, etc., and
Following your AGM, please take the time to update your club contact details, club office bearers, etc.