Sunshine Region (Qld) BHA chorus and quartet competition

8:00am, Sat, 28 Apr 2018 to Sun, 29 Apr 2018

Event Details

Organisers: Trevor Remphrey - 0433 110 505 or Paul Dickie 0466 826 050
Type of event: National Contest
Start time: 8:00am
Duration: 1.5days
Venue: Sunpac Convention Centre
470 McCullough St
Sunnybank Qld 4019
Description: BHA Quartet Qualifying and Chorus Competitions including mixed and ladies groups.
A variety invitation concert with visiting guest performers will be held in the evening.

Plans for non-competitive performances still being developed.
A Mini Harmony Training College is planned for Sunday 29 April at 10am - 1pm
Minor Chords
cnr Roderick St & East St, Ipswich

...particularly suited to new members and developing choruses inclusive of ladies, youth and mixed groups intending to compete in the National Competition in Adelaide this year.

Food will be available from the venue.