
Type of post: Club news
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Dick Bushell
Status: Current
Date Posted: Tue, 20 Jun 2017

News from Novatones- Newcastle

Novatones Harmony Chorus is going strongly, under the leadership of new Musical Director, Peter Donald. Peter took up the call, after a lengthy period of Novatones being without an MD, following the retirement from the group of our long-time leader, Ian Miller.

MD Peter Donald and his first outing with Novatones, at Eastern Region this year

Peter travels to our rehearsals at Wests City, Newcastle from his home at Jilliby. He has brought fresh ideas to improve the quality of our singing, and in the short time he has been with us, has helped members to gain a purer sound, better breathing, and has instilled a fresh confidence in each member of the chorus.

Novatones has retained a strong central core of members, as well as some new members, and a welcome return of some ‘old faces’. The latter part of 2017 promises to be a very busy time for the chorus and our quartets, with lots of competitions, local commitments and our own concert. At an upcoming Charity Ball official performance, Novatones will make a large donation to Ronald McDonald House.

Singing outside the Barbershop in Hamilton

Members enjoy the more informal outings as well, such as a recent ‘pub-crawl’ in Islington and Hamilton. One highlight was entertaining the historic Kent Hotel’s restaurant guests, by singing from a winding staircase. Along Beaumont Street on that balmy evening, we sang impromptu songs to celebrants of special events. We even crammed into, and sang at, a small barbershop! That gave the hairstylists and patrons a big surprise! It was encouraging to experience the reaction to our live performances, especially from young people who had never heard barbershop singing before. ‘Barbara Ann’ was the hit of the night, bringing barmaids and hotel patrons to the feet, to dance and sing along!

All these varied events would not be possible without a dedicated, forward-thinking and hard-working committee, led by President Brian Bleakley, Secretary Mike Peters and Treasurer Paul Britton.

Mark Henley

Novatones Novum Editor