Club News - High Altitude Harmony

Club News - High Altitude Harmony
Type of post: Club news
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Dick Bushell
Status: Current
Date Posted: Wed, 16 Aug 2017
Greetings from the fine folk of High Altitude Harmony (HAH) in Toowoomba. With our Secretary Paddy Boxall down with the dreaded lurgie it's my turn to pen a brief report. 

2017 continues to be a year of consolidation and growth for our 25 man chorus - consolidation of membership, and growth of unit sound and great repertoire. I'm very proud to report that our new members this year have settled in well and are becoming major contributors to HAH.

Further, our Music Team is delighted that we're averaging learning one new song each month. 
Whist we've had a few minor singouts including the Empire Theatre anniversary and the Camellia Show, our highlight in 2017 thus far has been the recent Battle of Barbershop - a fun, yet high quality joint concert at a local Stanthorpe Winery with our lovely sisters in harmony, The Headliners Chorus from Ballina. We certainly hope to work with the great ladies in future. 

Later this month (Sat 26 August) HAH will stage a matinee High Tea concert followed by a Wine and Cheese evening concert at our rehearsal venue - Toowoomba Philharmonic so we are working flat out for what will be a great show. 

Recently, we've had some fantastic coaching on musical and performance aspects and the guys are really excited about putting out our contest set and mixing it with ya'all at Pan Pacs. See you then???? 

Mike Ludwig - Musical Director