Copyright and making copies of music

Copyright and making copies of music
Type of post: News
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Dick Bushell
Status: Current
Date Posted: Sun, 17 Jun 2018

Recently, Barbershop Harmony Society has tightened up on BHA members being able to buy copies of music directly from the BHS Marketplace.

Under US copyright law, BHS is only able to sell music to Australia where international copyright has been secured. This means it is often unable to sell its arrangements into the Australasian copyright territory.

Fortunately, there is a solution.
A. BHA members can obtain a Reference Copy From BHS
BHS has agreed to provide Australian barbershoppers with one Reference
Copy, free of charge, of any arrangement they publish that is not available
for sale to Australian barbershoppers from the BHS Market Place.

B. Steps to obtain a Reference Copy from BHS:
1. Go to the BHS Marketplace at
2. Choose the song.
3. Email BHS library at
4. Indicate you are a member of Barbershop Harmony Australia.
5. Indicate you are unable to purchase a copy through the BHS Market Place.
6. Request a Reference Copy of the title.

C. Your Legal Obligation in Australia
If it is decided to include the song in your repertoire, to meet Australian Copyright
Requirements BHA members must obtain a Print Licence to make copies in

D. Steps to Obtain a Print Licence:
1. To identify the publishing house that represents the title in Australia,
contact APRA at with details of the title, composer,
and lyricist.
2. Contact the nominated publishing house, requesting permission to
print the required number of copies of the specific arrangement.
3. They will quote a price.
3. To comply with copyright law, you need to purchase copies for all

Trevor Rootes - BHA Secretary