The Melbournaires

The Melbournaires
Type of post: Club news
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Dick Bushell
Status: Current
Date Posted: Fri, 19 Apr 2019

One of the most critical things for the Melbournaires is recruitment. At one time the average age of the chorus was 68 which unfortunately meant that members were fairly constantly falling off the perch. With this in mind, a regular recruitment programme is formulated, where members of the public are invited and welcomed to a live rehearsal and informed about barbershop singing.

The Melbournaires recently conducted the programme on a Monday evening, and those interested visitors were invited to join the chorus on the risers. From past experience, less than a handful of participants stay the course, but on this occasion, numbers were up, and several would-be singers were captured, given one-on-one guidance and tuition, and already a handful has passed the audition. As a result of successful recruitment, the average age of the chorus has declined, but these new guys are the Melbournaires of the future, and this exciting fact means stability and incentive for years to come.

It should be established that the recruitment programme does not just happen. It is because of the hard work and cajoling by many members that make it possible. Two members in particular that come to mind are Roger Archman and Colin Ferns. Success would not be possible without the almost fanatical enthusiasm of Roger in promoting and encouragement of others to perform, or the laid back but highly skillful printing of posters, flyers and cards by Colin. We are lucky to have these two “go to” guys, but thanks to every Melbournaire who gives up their time and energy to help with this all important process.

President John Webb is off to America to travel the Route 66 by motorbike. In the ensuing four weeks, Immediate Past President John Howell will fill the seat extremely well.

Terry Phillips