How we can help each other

How we can help each other
Type of post: "In Harmony" Newsletter
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Dick Bushell
Status: Current
Date Posted: Sat, 18 Apr 2020
Is you chorus or quartet continuing to rehearse remotely during this period of enforced separation?

From what I can see from Facebook etc, numerous choruses have been inovative and are using the full range of available technology to keep their members singing and engaged. If you are one of these choruses, would you be willing to help some of our less technically capable choruses to establish similar interaction with their members?

I have already seen this type of help extended through the Barbershop-Oz Facebook page where the highly tech-savy guys from Vox Canvas extended an invitation to a member from High Altitude Harmony to "sit in" on one of their virtual rehearsals. 

This might be a way that the more technical capable choruses could help some of our less capable choruses in restoring some interaction and involvement. They could provide assistance in setting up the various forms of technology interaction and demonstrate how it can be effectively used. 

If any chorus is willing to assist in this way or any chorus who would like to receive this type of assistance, they can reach out to me at or to their local Chairmen and we can match Clubs up. Hopefully this will provide a means to enable appropriate people to get in touch with each other.

Richard Wadick - VP Events