A Barbershop success story

A Barbershop success story
Type of post: News
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Dick Bushell
Status: Current
Date Posted: Sun, 23 Oct 2016

AUSACA is a well-established annual A Cappella event conducted in Melbourne by Vocal Australia.


In September, barbershop ensembles were successful in the finals with Festival Statesmen Chorus (mini) taking first prize in the League Division. They also won the award for the best contemporary song.


Individual awards for members of Festival Statesmen went to Jono Webb for best soloist, and Daniel Maley for best vocal percussion.


Topping off the success of barbershop in the finals was Hi-Jinx, the champion Sweet Adelines Adelines quartet, who won second prize. Hi-Jinx also received the award for the best barbershop song.


Also, congratulations to Blenders Chorus director Jono Albertini who took his mixed Griffith University group Serotonin to the finals of the University Division.

Trevor Rootes
BHA VP Youth